Temple of Madness

Chapter 422 Beheading

Chapter 422 Beheading
Chapter 422 Beheading
The fake's eyes were flustered, but the real head of Emei directly rolled up the sword in his hand into a sword flower very chicly, and quickly gesticulated a set of authentic Emei swordsmanship in front of everyone. Instantly, everyone knew who it was. Is true or false.

"She! She is the real master. That person is a counterfeit. We didn't know it for so long."

Amid the uproar of the crowd, the impostor couldn't stand anymore, he took a few steps back in panic and trembling.

Suddenly, he raised his hand and threw a metal ball onto the ground. Suddenly, a thick yellow smoke rose all around, and everyone was choked so hard that they couldn't open their eyes.

"Don't let that impostor get away!"

Yan Guixing blocked his eyes with his hands, and felt a strong wind rushing towards the entrance of the passage. He shouted quickly, and his body also rushed in that direction.

Amidst the disgust, Zhang Yang's casual voice came out.

"Don't be so anxious, don't worry, you can't escape."

As Zhang Yang spread out his palms, a gust of wind rushed out from his palms, blowing away all the smog from 4 Zhou, and everyone was able to see the scene of 4 Zhou clearly, and the counterfeit was no longer there.

Yan Guixing didn't know, so he looked at Zhang Yang and asked, "Why don't we catch up? What if this bastard escapes?"

"Don't worry, just sit here, after a while, someone will send him over."

Zhang Yang smiled lightly, sat down on the chair casually, leaned his head back lazily, and said to the head of Emei: "Master, although what I said just now was to deceive that impostor, it is the true thought in my heart." , this time the human race and the monster race fight, I hope you can become the general of the human race."

The head of Emei froze for a moment, pursed the corners of his lips, and looked at Zhang Yang thoughtfully.

"...I just came back, and there are still many things that haven't been clarified, and I don't know exactly what the situation is between the human race and the demon race, but don't worry, Emei will definitely bear the brunt of the battle between the human race and the demon race. The peace of the human race."

With the promise of the head of Emei, Zhang Yang felt confident. He nodded with a smile and said, "I will discuss this matter with you in detail at the end. I didn't disclose the things in Xinhua Kingdom to you people in Mount Emei before. It's not because I'm guarding against you. It's because we're guarding against this fake, and now that the experience of the fake has revealed its true colors, we don't have any worries anymore."

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he spread his hands with a smile.

"Now, as the spokesperson of Xinhua Kingdom, I warmly welcome you to join Mount Emei. Presumably our human race will be able to win a big victory this time and restore peace to the world."

Zhang Yang exudes a strong aura of a superior person, coupled with his strong strength, so he has a sense of majesty without anger. Even though his face is a little immature and young, but coupled with the aura of this body, it makes everyone I dare not have any refutation or doubt on his words.

All the female disciples in Emei stared at Zhang Yang without blinking, their hearts were full of excitement, and they immediately shouted loudly: "Our human race will definitely win!"

As the excited voices of the crowd fell, a pretty figure slowly walked in from the door of the teleportation array, holding something like a rag in her hand, shaking it as she walked.

Everyone looked curiously, and saw that Jiao Yang calmly threw the things in his hands to the middle of the crowd, and then clapped his hands in disgust, feeling that it was not enough, so he walked to Zhang Yang's side and picked up his clothes Wipe a corner.

Zhang Yang looked at the scorching sun with a doting face, his eyes narrowed into a crescent, and said with a smile: "I knew that my wife would definitely let him escape."

Yan Guixing and the others curiously walked in front of the thing that had softened into a pool of mud on the ground, squatted down curiously, and picked it up with their hands, only to realize that this was the fake head of Emei just now, with the smudge on her face. Half of the human skin mask had been torn off, revealing the foreign face underneath.

Yan Guixing immediately laughed, smiled and gave Zhang Yang a thumbs up and said: "It turns out that the two of you have already arranged it. One of you will come in to expose his true colors, and the other will stand guard at the door to prevent him from escaping. It really is amazing." .”

Zhang Yang shrugged with a smile, and said, "The two of us actually didn't discuss it, it was just a tacit understanding."

Seeing Zhang Yang's arrogant expression, Yan Guixing rolled his eyes speechlessly.

The head of Emei was already trembling with anger, and raised the long sword in his hand to pierce the impostor's body with a sword.

Seeing that the long sword was only an inch away, and when he was about to grasp the impostor's heart, Zhang Yang quickly raised his hand, and an invisible force instantly stopped the long sword of the head of Emei.

"Leader, don't worry, this guy has to be kept. Interrogate him carefully to see what his purpose is."

Sect Leader Emei suppressed the anger in his heart, took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "Okay, let's interrogate what this guy wants to do first, but I must personally solve this guy's life."

Zhang Yang saw that the head of Emei really hated this impostor, so he nodded.

"Don't worry, this guy's life will be handled by you, Emei."

Zhang Yang looked at the mixed eyes of the Emei disciples, spread his hands and said with a smile: "Okay, we have finished what we have to do today, and I will leave the rest of the time to you, Emei, to deal with."

With a look of disgust on his face, Yan Guixing picked up the boneless impostor in front of him, and carried him away from him in disgust, as if he was afraid that he would dirty himself.

Several people finally found out the true face of the counterfeit, and they all breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a lot more relaxed.

An elder looked at Zhang Yang with a smile on his face, and said with emotion: "We have finally found out that traitor now, and finally we don't have to be timid when doing things."

Zhang Yang smiled and nodded, holding Jiao Yang's little hand tightly all the time.

At this moment, Zhang Yang felt the faintly visible silk thread trembling in his heart, and the strong power erupted instantly. He was stunned for a moment, quickly closed his eyes, and followed the thread to see what happened. what.

There are too many things in Zhang Yang's contract, and the intricate lines are entangled one by one. He followed this silk thread with mental strength and finally found out what happened.

I saw that the end of the silk thread was wrapped around the miniature Penglai Wonderland, and golden lights burst out from the originally peaceful island, as if someone was advancing, and there was more than one light of advancement
The colorful lights enveloped the entire miniature Penglai Wonderland, which is truly beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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