Temple of Madness

Chapter 439 Hate

Chapter 439 Hate
Chapter 439

Maybe seeing the joy in the world, so Satan's heart is full of anger and resentment.

He resented all the protoss, and he also resented these small and ignorant humans.

In his heart, he felt that there was absolutely no need for Nu Wa to sacrifice herself to save these ants.

He even blamed Fuxi terribly, thinking that it was because of Fuxi's selfishness that Nuwa became the material for subsidies.

In the end, Satan began to suspect that Fuxi was deceiving Nuwa's feelings by starting again.

He complained that Fuxi didn't feel any sorrow after Nuwa disappeared, and didn't even leave a drop of tears, and was still doing what he had done before.

Many times Satan openly disputed with Fuxi in front of the gods, and began to question Fuxi's character and unpredictable thoughts.

Finally, in this suspicious state, Satan saw that Fuxi secretly summoned the God of Water and the God of Fire, and the three talked for a long time in the hall.

At that moment, Satan thought that the loopholes in the world and the war between the water god and the fire god were all a conspiracy by Fuxi.

Satan began to lobby the protoss one by one to make them rebel against Fuxi.

But there are really too few people who support him, only those angel teams who have been with him for many years have complete trust in him, thinking that what he said is the truth.

So the first Protoss war began.

In that battle, the fight was so dark that Satan didn't have any scruples at all, and even brought the battle to the human world, causing the world to fall into panic again.

Countless sky fires rolled down from the sky, and the screams of the human race resounded throughout the world, but no one could save them.

The four great beasts guarding the gate of the tree of life lamented in their hearts but dared not leave. In the end, the four great beasts negotiated, and Suzaku and Qinglong went to rescue the human creatures and took them to a safe secret place to avoid disaster temporarily.

And the secret realm where Suzaku and Qinglong led the human race to hide was the current secret realm of Xinhua Kingdom by accident.

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, startled.

Is this the arrangement of fate?

What happened afterwards was similar to what Zhang Yang knew. In this battle thousands of years ago, Satan finally failed.

Satan took all the fallen angels and fled to an uncivilized land in the west.

In order to create their own country, they began to secretly recruit human races from the land of China, and even kept trying to seize the tree of life. During this period, they also fought several times with the four great beasts intermittently.

But in the end, Fuxi stopped them in time.

It took Satan 300 years to change his own appearance, and also changed all the stolen human blood and appearance, in order to prove that they no longer belong to the land of China, and no longer belong to the people under the jurisdiction of Fuxi. Human beings, who belong only to themselves, belong to a new world.

When Satan's wings were full and he felt that he was strong enough to fight against Fuxi, he launched an attack on the land of Huaxia again.

In this battle, he changed his strategy. Not only did he want to destroy Fuxi's world, but his most important goal was to capture the tree of life, so that the world he created could be the same as when Nuwa was there.

When Zhang Yang heard this, he knew that what happened next was similar to the information he collected intermittently.

The only difference is that according to the news he got, the two brothers Yuanhua and Yuanshi Tianzun were the ones who finally sealed Satan.

But in fact, the truth is that Yuanhua Tianzun and Yuanshi Tianzun are just the last assistants. The person who really sealed Satan is Fuxi.

At that time, Fuxi had already been seriously injured, and even after 300 years, he could not repair it completely, because his internal injuries were suffered when he and Nuwa were looking for materials.

In order to save Nuwa, Fuxi used his thousand years of cultivation, and his body was already empty. This is why Nuwa resolutely decided to mend the sky by himself at that time, and refused to let Fuxi go.

Therefore, Fuxi, who knew that his time was short, decided to use himself as a sacrifice to seal Satan, so that he would stop creating charcoal for the Chinese land.

At that time, Satan led an army of millions of fallen angels and flew in the sky of China to fight with the people of the Protoss. All the people with cultivation in the race also joined the battle, but their strength was too great. Humble, almost annihilated.

It was also in that battle that the human race's cultivation power was completely lost, and the few remaining powers were also seriously injured.

And the four great beasts that guard the land of China have already developed feelings for the human race. They not only want to protect the tree of life, but also protect these poor and helpless human races.

Therefore, the gods and beasts who were fighting the army of fallen angels, even if they made a decision, they still let Qinglong and Suzaku escape to rescue those helpless human races and rush to the secret realm to avoid the flames of war just like the war 300 years ago.

The white tiger left behind has the strongest fighting power among the four great beasts, while Xuanwu has the strongest defensive power.

Baihu and Xuanwu felt that they would be able to wait until Suzaku and Qinglong came back, so they have been struggling to support the gate guarding the passage of the Tree of Life, preventing those fallen angels from getting any closer.

But Satan, who is bound to win the tree of life, has already made preparations. The Satan who has been entangled with Fuxi is just a clone, but the real Satan himself tears the space and appears in front of the gate of the tree of life. .

After 300 years of practice, Satan is no longer the angel who followed Nuwa.

He was so powerful that he broke Xuanwu's strongest defense with just one punch, and then beat Baihu until he was seriously injured and unconscious with one blow.

The door of the tree of life was opened by Satan, and he walked in triumphantly.

It is estimated that when Satan saw the tree of life, he was in the same mood as Zhang Yang at the moment. It was shock, admiration, and a kind of worship from the heart.

But Satan had already sold his heart to the devil, he didn't have any kindness, so he soon decided to change his original thoughts.

He doesn't need the tree of life to create a new world, he wants to destroy the tree of life.

That's why his hands condensed a world-shattering ghost fire, trying to burn down the tree of life.

When the Netherfire in his hand fell on the trunk of the Tree of Life, the menacing Netherfire was instantly extinguished.

Angrily, he condensed the Netherfire again, hitting the trunk of the Tree of Life like crazy, and finally the Tree of Life still burned.

But he didn't know what happened, he suddenly stopped his movements, walked quietly to the tree of life, put his hands around the trunk of the tree of life, put his ears on the trunk tightly, and listened to the tree of life. say.

(End of this chapter)

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