Temple of Madness

Chapter 447 is late

Chapter 447 is late

Chapter 447
At this moment, the Xinhua Kingdom is already full of wars.

Xiao Hai bravely led the practitioners from the Xinhua Kingdom to fight the fallen angels, and all the common people were safely transferred to the secret passage by Chen Jiaming and Wang Dongyang.

Yan Guixing's eyes turned red, his body was covered in blood, he didn't know if it was his own or the fallen angel's.

At this moment, a huge red giant bird suddenly appeared in the sky.

The giant bird let out a long cry, mournful and desolate.

Everyone raised their heads with frowns, and the moment they saw the giant bird, they all fell in place.

The child's eyes were filled with tears, he tremblingly held the long sword in his hand, and shouted hoarsely: "Master, Master's wife!"

Yan Guixing and the others immediately frowned and shouted: "This is the phantom of Suzaku, it is a burst of true energy separated by the scorching sun when the sun left, and it will only appear in an emergency. Could it be... ..."

The tip of Yan Guixing's nose was sour, and he couldn't continue to say the following words. Everyone also frowned, watching the giant bird hovering in the air sadly.

All the fallen angels that were touched by the giant bird instantly burst into flames, burning their bodies to pieces.

Seeing hundreds of fallen angels in the sky, only a dozen or so were left instantly wiped out by the giant bird.

And the figure of the giant bird gradually began to dissipate little by little, and it once again raised its head to the sky and let out that shocking long cry.

Xiao Hai knelt down on the ground in an instant, tears blurred her vision, she felt that the Penglai Secret Realm entrusted to him by the scorching sun began to tremble faintly in her arms when she left.

With the disappearance of the giant bird, the weak and clear voice of the scorching sun sounded slowly: "Xiao Hai, this is the last thing I can do for you, take everyone to escape to the Penglai Secret Realm as soon as possible."

With the disappearance of the sound, the flames in the sky gradually became more elegant, returning to the clear blue sky.

But at this moment, all the practitioners in Xinhua Kingdom were silently wiping away their tears, tightly holding the long sword in their hands, and suddenly one of them uttered a bad word.

"Kill these fallen angels! Avenge our Sun Goddess."


Immediately, there were shouts of killing all day long, and one after another black shadows rushed to the front of those fallen angels and surrounded them.

Xiao Hai glared at the fallen angels with red and swollen eyes, and stabbed one of the angels' heart with his sword without hesitation.

Those fallen angels looked at the red-eyed human race, and they were also horrified.

"No, we have too few people, we must retreat immediately."

The fallen angel, the leader, flapped the wings behind him, and was about to turn around and run away, but was instantly blocked by Xiao Hai.

"I want to avenge my wife, you bastards are all going to die!"

With all his strength, Xiao Hai flew behind the fallen angel at the gate, drew his sword and stabbed him in the heart.

The moment his long sword pierced through the fallen angel's body, there was a sudden loud noise from somewhere behind him, causing the whole world to shake.

A strong wave of spiritual energy came from the direction of Zhang Yang's house, and everyone looked in shock.

Yan Guixing said in a trembling voice: "This is Zhang Yang, this is Zhang Yang's aura, he finally woke up!"

I saw a golden light rushing from the direction of Zhang Yang's house to the crowd like a shooting star.

Before everyone could see who it was, the remaining nine fallen angels suddenly felt a pain in their hearts, and then heard a sudden bang from their bodies, and then they turned into a white smoke. Disappeared in the air, not even dregs left.

"Zhang Yang!"


Everyone was overjoyed when they saw the young man in front of them clearly, and Xiao Hai threw himself at Zhang Yang's feet.

Zhang Yang raised Xiao Hai up with his brows tightly furrowed, looked around, and looked at the reddish eye sockets of everyone.

Still looking at the familiar faces, but did not see the voice of the sun, immediately asked in a deep voice, frowning: "Where is the sun? Where is she?"

As soon as he heard the scorching sun, Xiao Hai couldn't help but burst into tears, and took out the Penglai Secret Realm that the scorching sun had given him from his bosom.

"Master...Master's wife...she...she sacrificed herself to lure that strange man away."

As Xiao Hai's voice fell, a gust of wind blew up in an instant, and everyone couldn't open their eyes.

When the strong wind stopped slowly and everyone opened their eyes, Zhang Yang was no longer there.

Everyone sighed silently, knowing that Zhang Yang was looking for the scorching sun, they felt melancholy for a while.

I hope Zhang Yang can save the scorching sun...

At this moment, Zhang Yang anxiously tore open the space in front of him, and kept walking through every location in the entire Huaxia land, but he still couldn't find the scorching sun.

He became more and more anxious, especially in her heartstrings, the only silk thread connected with the scorching sun had completely disappeared.

Zhang Yang became even more panicked like this, an uneasy thought rose in his heart, but he immediately shook his head to deny it.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!
The scorching sun is so powerful, and she is a descendant of Suzaku Yimen, how could she disappear, how could she die?

Zhang Yang is like a headless fly, constantly shuttling in the void, but always finds nothing.

"Ah! Scorching sun! Where are you!"

Zhang Yang raised his head to the sky and roared in despair, and the whole sky darkened in an instant.

At this moment, Zhang Yang's wrist suddenly felt cold, he turned his head in shock, and saw Ming Yi's familiar face.

Mingyi frowned and looked at Zhang Yang, and said in a deep voice, "Come with me, I can find the scorching sun."

As she said that, Mingyi conjured a black paper crane in her hand, and threw it vigorously into the air.

I saw the black paper crane hovering above the two of them for a while, then suddenly turned its head in one direction, flapped its black wings, and flew in that direction.

Mingyi and Zhang Yang immediately ran after the crane.

Their speed was very fast, but they crossed two mountain ranges in the blink of an eye, and ran forward tirelessly following the paper crane.

At dusk, Zhang Yang and Ming Yi finally arrived at the end of the endless desert, and the black paper crane also slowly stopped, slowly fell in front of a pile of burnt things, and stopped on it.

Zhang Yang's whole body couldn't help trembling, and he walked towards the pile of things with heavy steps.

With a plop, Zhang Yang knelt down and plucked out a red feather from the charred pile of things.

Tears rolled down his eyes, he curled up into a ball, hammered hard to the ground, and with a heart-piercing roar, he shouted: "Scorching sun!"

Mingyi stood silently beside Zhang Yang, looking at the pile of burnt things with solemn eyes, and bowed slowly.

They all knew in their hearts that this pile of things might be the scorching sun...

(End of this chapter)

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