Chapter 460
Chapter 460 Tu Shan

As the picture turned, Zhang Yang saw that the picture in front of him was no longer a dark cave, but a hall full of sunlight. This hall was full of coldness instead of a trace of warmth.

Because Zhang Yang saw that the whole floor was covered with naked girls, their eyes had all become cloudy, and they had been dead for a long time.

And those flesh-colored bugs seen in the cave were lying on their bodies, eating their bodies, making creaking sounds from time to time.

That voice made one's scalp tingle, and the whole person froze in place, clenching his fists tightly.

The picture began to tremble, as if the person involved, Song Guangming, was so angry that he couldn't help himself after seeing this picture.

Zhang Yang glanced at Song Guangming in surprise, the corners of his lips were full of flavors, and he was looking at the ghost beside him, but he no longer had the same sympathy and pity as before.

The picture changed again. At this moment, the picture was no longer daytime, but late at night. All the disciples of Mount Wutai gathered on the back hillside. This time, Song Guangming's angle was also among the crowd, as if he was in a meeting.

The old man I met in the cave slowly walked to the front of the crowd. He held up a torch and said loudly: "Today is an important day for us in Wutai Mountain. We finally refined the Gu Mother!"

In an instant, there was warm applause from all around, and everyone's faces were very excited.

At this moment, there was a sudden rustling sound from the leaves around four weeks old, as if some huge monster was slowly coming from the depths of the woods behind the old man.

As the leaves swayed, Zhang Yang finally saw clearly what the monster behind him was.

It's just that when he saw his true face clearly, even a bold person like Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel a little trembling.

It can be said to be a monster with a human face and an insect body, but this human face is not one, but many densely packed on the insect body, making Zhang Yang's scalp numb for a while.

Song Guangming's old voice sounded slowly, and the picture in his mind stopped abruptly and disappeared in an instant.

"The monster you saw just now is the Gu mother that those people on Wutai Mountain used thousands of fresh girls to feed and eat with various poisonous insects."

Zhang Yang looked at Song Guangming with his brows tightly furrowed, and asked suspiciously: "Is Wutai Mountain not suitable for cultivating true energy? How can you refine Gu worms?"

Song Guangming sneered and said, "I was as confused as you at the time, so I didn't attack them immediately. Instead, I made a good relationship with them secretly and gained the trust of the headmaster. I went to the training room behind him. I was surprised to discover the secret of Wutai Mountain for a hundred years."


Just as Song Guangming was about to speak, he coughed violently again with a sore throat. Blood flowed down the corners of his lips and dripped onto the ground.

Zhang Yang looked at the ghosts on Song Guangming's body with mixed feelings, and with a slight wave of his hand, he saw a faint golden light, waving towards the ghosts, and slapped them away from Song Guangming's neck.

Song Guangming finally got his breath, looked at Zhang Yang suspiciously, and suddenly understood why he was so uncomfortable.

"Could it be that the ghosts of Mount Wutai have been lying on my body, trying to take my life at any time?"

Zhang Yang nodded lightly, and looked at those ghosts with mixed feelings. Song Guangming didn't seem to be that annoying at the moment, but he was still angry in his heart, because the innocent people in the Xinhua Kingdom in front of him were indeed turned into ghosts because of Song Guangming. the living dead.

Song Guangming sneered, and looked around him dissatisfied, but he couldn't see those ghosts at all.

"It seems that you still have a lot of secrets, things that don't belong to this world, no wonder Sandan must take your life."

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, looked at Song Guangming's smug sneer, and asked in a deep voice with his brows tightly furrowed: "Is Satan not dead yet?"

After seeing the scorching sun's feathers, Zhang Yang was sure that scorching sun and Satan would die together, but looking at Song Guangming's reaction, it seemed that it was different from what he had imagined.

"Hehe, Lord Satan is the only god in this world. How could he die so easily? Your wife is more pitiful. She is pregnant but still needs to help you protect these useless selfish humans."

Zhang Yang froze on the spot in surprise, his whole body trembling uncontrollably, clenched his fists tightly, and stared at Song Guangming in disbelief.

"What did you just say? You said that Jiaoyang is pregnant?"

Song Guangming looked at Zhang Yang with a sneer. The ghost that had been pinching his neck was gone, his breathing became much smoother, and his voice gradually calmed down. Those cold evil spirits surged towards his body again.

"Heck, seeing that you still don't know anything, I'll tell you kindly. Your wife was already two months pregnant, but you didn't know it, and you rashly wanted to burn your soul and die with Lord Satan. .As you can see, your wife has been reduced to ashes, leaving behind a feather to prove that she once existed, while our Lord Satan is unharmed."

The slight goodwill towards Song Guangming that he finally had with great difficulty disappeared in an instant, and Zhang Yang's body disappeared in place as quickly as a flash of lightning.

When he saw him again, his hands were already bulging with blue veins, he tightly grasped Song Guangming's neck, and said through gritted teeth, "Where is Satan?"

Song Guangming frowned in pain. He wanted to resist but found that his whole body was imprisoned and he couldn't move at all.

"Ahem, I didn't expect you to be so powerful, you don't need to chant a spell, you can lock the space by forming an array."

Zhang Yang's whole mind was blank, and he had no intention of continuing to chat with Song Guangming.

"Where is Satan!"

"Want to take revenge on Lord Satan? Hehe, what do you think you can do with your current cultivation?"

Zhang Yang's eyes gradually darkened, his whole body trembled, and a powerful wave of air rushed out of his body in an instant, directly crushing Song Guangming, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth in an instant.

" actually have a Buddha spirit on your body!"

Zhang Yang said in a gloomy cold voice again: "Let me ask you one last question, where is Satan? If you don't tell me, I will let you wait for him under the Nine Springs."

Song Guangming looked at Zhang Yang with dim eyes, and suddenly burst out laughing triumphantly. In an instant, Zhang Yang's hand grasped his neck hard, and Song Guangming's voice turned into a muffled grunt of pain.

" are dreaming, even if I die, I will never reveal the whereabouts of Lord Satan to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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