Temple of Madness

Chapter 469 Rectification

Chapter 469 Rectification
Chapter 469 Reorganization

Blood rained in the air, and black feathers floated slowly in the air.

Zhang Yang looked at the tragic situation in front of him with his brows furrowed, and glanced at Yan Mo dissatisfied.

"They have already said it, why do you need to do it to them?"

Not to kill prisoners, this has always been a deep-rooted thought in Zhang Yang.

But Yan Mo seemed to be different from him. He was really a cruel person, and he didn't even leave anyone alive.

Yan Mo wore a grimace mask, glanced at Zhang Yang with disdain, and snorted coldly: "No wonder you have been fighting such a weak monster for so long, it is because you are too indecisive. The reason why our Yan Wang Palace can last for a long time No one dares to invade us, even Satan dares not touch us, because we never let any enemy live."

Zhang Yang looked at the piled up corpses in front of him, sighed helplessly, and with a wave of his hand, a ball of fire flew out of his palm and landed steadily on those corpses.

A raging fire ignited in an instant, and Zhang Yang couldn't help frowning because of the scorching smell, and turned back to the secret realm of Xinhua Kingdom.

In an instant, the air became fresher.

Zhang Yang walked in front slowly, and after Yan Mo put away the nine Zhuo Jiuying, he followed behind Zhang Yang.

But he didn't like the feeling of following other people's ass, so he speeded up, strode to Zhang Yang's side, and walked side by side with him.

"Hey, we haven't counted the numbers just now, did you win? Or did I win?"

Zhang Yang looked at Yan Mo with mixed feelings, unable to give him an exact label in his heart.

"You can do whatever you want, even if you win."

Zhang Yang waved his hand, he really didn't have the strength to ask Yan Mo about the Palace of the King of Yama.

He is now even more worried about the people of Xinhua who have become living dead. Zhang Yang quickly walked to the place where he had just left, but there was no one there, and there were no living dead. Not even the secret to Penglai Wonderland. The door was gone too.

"Huh? That's not right, why is there no such secret door?"

Thinking about it, Zhang Yang probed into his mind to check the situation with Penglai Fairyland.

After some investigation, it was found that there was no strange atmosphere in Penglai Wonderland, and it was as calm as water.

Zhang Yang frowned and inspected the Penglai Wonderland carefully, and found that his parents and relatives were cooking safely in the Penglai Wonderland, seemingly unaware of what was happening outside.

Under the fairy mountain in Penglai, the living dead stood neatly, and there was no movement for four weeks.

The only strange thing is that all of his friends have disappeared. Could it be that something happened while helping Xiao Hai and the others to carry the living dead together?

Zhang Yang felt a sense of uneasiness, and immediately inquired again, quickly looking for the whereabouts of the scorching sun, and he was relieved to see that she was sleeping in the old urchin's former cave.

After investigating the Penglai Wonderland, Zhang Yang found that his relatives and the living dead were all safe and sound.

That is, all the practitioners and Xiao Hai disappeared.

There was a strange breath in it, Zhang Yang opened his eyes, and immediately looked at Yan Mo beside him with a gloomy expression.

Yan Mo and Zhang Yang looked at each other, and said in a deep voice, "There was a battle here just now, and the aura was hidden."

Zhang Yang frowned and looked at Si Zhou, squatted down, grabbed a handful of sand on the ground, put it under the tip of his nose and smelled it, nodded and said: "There was indeed a battle here, Si Zhou is full of evil dark aura. It seems that Xiaohai and the others have been taken away."

Yan Mo was slightly taken aback, and asked in surprise: "Who is Xiaohai? What does it have to do with me? I just want to know about Ziyi and Bailing, how are they doing?"

Zhang Yang pursed his lips, looked into the distance with serious eyes and said in a deep voice: "Zi Yi and Bai Ling are not in Penglai Wonderland, they should have been taken away by those raiders."

"Why do you dare to be my wife? I have to tear them apart."

Yan Mo clenched his fists angrily, and rushed towards a place without saying a word, Zhang Yang quickly grabbed him.

"What are you doing? Do you know where they are? What if there is an ambush there? We should discuss it and plan in the long run."

"What the fuck, it's important to save people now. Besides, those two are my wives, so you don't have to worry about it."

Zhang Yang looked at Yan Mo depressedly, but he was relieved to see that he was so worried about Ziyi and Bailing. It seemed that although this guy was cruel, his feelings for them were sincere.

"Don't worry, let's investigate for four weeks to see if they have left any clues, and I just inspected the Penglai Wonderland, and all the practitioners in it have disappeared."

Yan Mo snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "Huh, it's just to search for the clues they left behind. How difficult is it? Let me show you how powerful my King's Palace is."

After finishing speaking, Yan Mobie clasped his hands together and chanted the mantra silently. Suddenly, a strong wind blew for four weeks, and all the sand and soil began to line up neatly, spontaneously forming an arrow, pointing directly to the southeast direction.

After Yan Mo finished reciting the mantra, he slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the arrow, and was overjoyed.

"Hehe, come with me, they haven't run far yet."

Zhang Yang looked at Yan Mo curiously, and before he had time to think about it, he followed him and rushed towards the southeast quickly.

The two of them ran for several thousand meters without seeing any traces. At this moment, a flash of lightning suddenly appeared in the sky, exposing the four-week dim scene in front of their eyes.

Zhang Yang froze in place for a moment, looking at 4 Zhou in surprise.

Seeing that Zhang Yang hadn't followed up, Yan Mo yelled at him dissatisfied: "You coward, why don't you follow up? What are you doing there?"

Zhang Yang looked forward with gloomy eyes, beckoned to Yan Mo and said: "Don't go any further, this is not the secret realm of Xinhua Kingdom outside, I just checked, this place was forcibly broken from the outside, To have such strength, there is no one else but Satan."

When Yan Mo heard Satan's name, he didn't have any worries. Instead, he raised the corner of his mouth and said with a sneer: "It's just Satan. Why are you so scared?"

Zhang Yang frowned and glanced at Yan Mo, and said in a deep voice: "Aren't you afraid of Satan at all? His current strength should have reached above Baoyuan, and he may even have reached the realm of transforming gods."

Yan Mo sneered disdainfully, and said: "Hehe, it seems that you still don't know anything. If this is the case, I will kindly tell you the information we investigated from the Palace of the King of Yama."

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, and was surprised to find that Yan Mo seemed to know Satan very well.

(End of this chapter)

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