Temple of Madness

Chapter 472 Hostage

Chapter 472 Hostage
Chapter 472 Hostage

Zhang Yang glanced at Yan Mo with his brows furrowed, and sighed thoughtfully.

"Then what are Pluto and Satan planning? And Pluto asked me to see the Tree of Life before. Half of the Art of Life was burned, and I injected more than half of the power of faith to restore the big tree. , is there any relationship between this?"

Yan Mo was taken aback for a moment, and immediately got up in surprise, pointed at Zhang Yang angrily, and cursed.

"Damn it, you really are a human head and a pig brain. You do what other people say. Don't you have a brain of your own? Do you know what you did? It's over, it's over, it's over, our palace of the king of hell has been here for thousands of years Everything I have been doing since then has been ruined by you! I said why this Satan suddenly regained his strength at such an amazing speed, it is all your fault! You are simply a rat shit!"

Zhang Yang was confused by the scolding. If other people pointed their noses at him and scolded him like this, he would definitely fly into a rage on the spot and beat that person like a pig's head.

But looking at Yan Mo's angry expression, it seemed that he had really done something terribly wrong, so he touched his nose embarrassingly.

"Well, you can swear, but can you tell me what's wrong when you're there?"

The more Yan Mo looked at Zhang Yang, the more he disliked him. He just rolled his eyes, folded his arms angrily, and sat aside, like a child who was angry.

Zhang Yang felt more and more as if he had bullied Yan Mo, and felt an unbearable sense of guilt in his heart.

Zhang Yang patted Yan Mo on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "I said, can you tell me what I did wrong first, and then you can scold me or beat me when you get angry, you have to let me know what I did wrong Where is it?"

"You...you're just an idiot, you don't understand anything. I really don't understand why such an important thing as the book of life and death is on you, an idiot? Could it be that Empress Nuwa's eyesight is not good?"

Zhang Yang sighed depressedly, it seemed that he had nothing to ask.

This Yan Mo doesn't know what's wrong, as long as he sees his face, he can't wait to hit him with his fist.

Zhang Yang sat on the ground depressed, while Yan Wang turned his back to him, unwilling to even look at him.

In this way, the two fell into a weird atmosphere, and neither of them spoke.

One only cares about getting angry, and the other only cares about what he did wrong.

I don't know how long it took, and finally there was a rustling sound from the front, it seemed that Yan Mo's five little black snakes had returned.

Zhang Yang and Yan Mo got up neatly at the same time, looking in the direction of the voice.

The voice was getting closer and closer, and when it was about to approach them, suddenly a cold light came from behind, hitting the bushes next to it, and the voice stopped abruptly.

Yan Mo frowned and whispered: "Not good!"

Before Yan Mo finished speaking, he saw two icy lights rushing towards their faces.

Zhang Yang quickly turned around and managed to dodge it. When he turned his head again, he saw a dozen tiny ice needles appearing where he was standing just now.

A cold laugh sounded from the front, which sounded so uncomfortable.

"Hehe, how long has it been since I saw someone from the Palace of the King of Hades? I never thought that I would be lucky enough to see the descendants of the Palace of the King of Hades."

As the sound got closer, Zhang Yang immediately looked forward in surprise.

This is the voice of that bastard Pluto!
Even if it turns into ashes, Zhang Yang will never forget that this grandson has lied to him for so long, calling him senior in vain.

"Pluto! Bah! Old liar!"

Zhang Yang was now furious, and jumped towards Pluto.

Pluto's small child's body formed a wall of light in front of him with a wave of his hand, Zhang Yang's fist landed on the wall of light, and there was a loud click instantly, but it didn't break the wall of light.

Yan Mo looked at Pluto with dim eyes, and said coldly: "I really didn't expect you to become so small. If I hit you, would it be considered bullying a child?"

Pluto sneered and said, "Hehe, you think highly of yourself. Although you people in the Palace of Hades are really powerful and have the blood of ancient gods, it doesn't mean you can defeat me."

Yan Mo's eyes were full of desire to win, and he didn't seem to like Pluto's words, so he flew up directly.

It's just that like Zhang Yang, he all fell on the wall of light, but still failed to break the wall of light.

Pluto stood calmly in the light wall, looked at Zhang Yang and Yan Mo with a smile on his face, and kept waving his fists and hitting his protective shield.

"You two young brats, you really think you can defeat me. Not everyone can break my protective shield. Even Satan can't break my protective shield, let alone you two? "

Zhang Yang gritted his teeth and stared at Pluto, punched again vigorously, and shouted angrily: "You old liar, you lied to me so hard, you are full of lies, today I must teach you a lesson, let you know why flowers are so popular .”

The more Zhang Yang thought about it, the angrier he became. This Pluto not only deceived himself, but when he thought about it carefully, even the scorching sun was plotted by him, and he was forced to die with Satan.

Thinking of the scorching sun, the anger in Zhang Yang's heart arose ragingly, as if it was going to burn his chest completely, he punched again vigorously.

But this time, the protective cover in front of Pluto finally made a cracking sound, and Pluto was not complacent, he looked at Zhang Yang in surprise.

"How is this possible? How could you break my protective shield? This is the strongest defense in the world."

Zhang Yang showed a fierce look on his face, and he punched again vigorously, punching a hole in Pluto's protective shield, and said with a sneer: "Hehe. This time, I will let you know what is the strongest fist in the world!"

While speaking, Zhang Yang had already rushed from the hole to Pluto. He raised his fiery fist and punched Pluto hard.

With a bang, Pluto's body fell backwards like a kite with a broken string.

"This! How is this possible? How can you break my protective shield!"

Pluto seemed to have not come out of the reality that his protective shield was shattered by Zhang Yang, his eyes widened in shock.

Even Zhang Yang rushed in front of him, but he didn't seem to notice it.

"Old liar, grandpa will beat you all over the place this time!"

Seeing that Zhang Yang's fist was about to fall in front of Pluto, Pluto's body suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

"Huh, it seems that I really underestimated you."

(End of this chapter)

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