Chapter 474
Chapter 474

I saw Pluto instantly turned into a small spot of light and got into the jade ring in Yan Mo's hand.

"Hmph, I'm not listening to you, I'm just trying to save my wives."

Zhang Yang ignored Yan Mo, and walked forward quickly with his brows furrowed.

Yan Mo followed closely behind, frowning and looking at 4 Zhou, without making a sound.

The breach in the secret realm of the Xinhua Kingdom is very secret, and it seems that someone used some secret technique to hide all the broken places, so from the outside, it looks like the secret realm of the Xinhua Kingdom is connected to the outside world.

If he hadn't come to this place, Zhang Yang really wouldn't have known that the secret realm of Xinhua Kingdom had been broken by someone quietly.

The two walked through the grass and slowly stepped into the desert. They didn't stop until the fine sand covered their knees.

"I'll go, what's the place here? Why is the sand so thick?"

Zhang Yang pursed his lips, and slowly lowered his head to take a look at the sand under his feet, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and observed it carefully for a while.

"The sand has been turned into quicksand by someone using a secret method. If we continue walking, the sand will cover our bodies and absorb our aura, so we must vacate."

This is the second time to absorb spiritual energy, and it is very secretive. If Zhang Yang hadn't put it in his hand just now, and used his mental power to probe carefully, he really would not have realized that his spiritual energy had been quietly stolen.

Yan Mo froze for a moment, and glanced at the sand under his feet in surprise.

"...Damn, it really is, I didn't even notice it just now."

After finishing speaking, Yan Mo and Zhang Yang flew directly into the air, frowning and looking around, this time they did not dare to move forward rashly.

These spiritual quicksands are not only here, they are actually to ambush them. I don't know what kind of checkpoints have been set up by those people, so the two of them are very cautious.

Zhang Yang flew forward a few meters slowly, stopped suddenly, and waved to Yan Mo.

"Come and have a look, there seems to be something here, but I can't see it."

Yan Mo also smelled the strange atmosphere around him, and slowly flew to Zhang Yang's side. He stretched out his hand and touched the place Zhang Yang was pointing at, and was suddenly taken aback.

"Huh? How could there be such a thing in this place? It must be an illusion."

As Yan Mo said, he slowly closed his eyes, and a faint purple light slowly floated out from his body, gradually forming a huge net, and rushed towards the air in front of him.

In an instant, a crackling sound of thunder and lightning came from the air in front of him, and the purple light group seemed to be blocked by something, and it actually stopped in the air.

Yan Mo's expression became more dignified. While manipulating the purple aura on his body, he shouted to Zhang Yang: "If you don't want your physical body to be destroyed, you should run away!"

Zhang Yang didn't understand, so he glanced at Yan Mo, although he didn't understand what he meant, but it seemed very serious, so he quickly dodged, and retreated tens of meters from the direction he came from.

As Zhang Yang left, Yan Mo suddenly let out a low growl, and the purple aura in his hand became more and more intense.

Suddenly there was a turmoil in the air in front of him, and purple and golden thunder and lightning intertwined in the air continuously, making crackling sounds.

Thunder and lightning suddenly appeared in the blue sky, and the waist-thick thunder and lightning struck Yan Mo's body.

Zhang Yang was shocked, and quickly shouted to Yan Mo: "Be careful."

Yan Mo gritted his teeth, ignored Zhang Yang, and continued to increase the purple aura on his body.

In an instant, lightning struck Yan Mo's body, and then one after another thunder and lightning struck down from the air.

Zhang Yang looked at the scene in front of him in horror. He had been struck by lightning before, and he knew the feeling was very uncomfortable. He also worried that Yan Mo would not only control his aura, but also fight against the thunder and lightning. floating in the air.

A burst of incomprehensible incantation sounds slowly came out of Zhang Yang's mouth, and a huge golden Buddha statue slowly appeared behind Zhang Yang.

The strong coercion made Yan Mo stunned. He glanced back in surprise, and muttered to himself: "What is the origin of this kid? Even the Buddha recognized him?"

As soon as Yan Mo finished speaking, another bolt of lightning struck him. He frowned in pain, took a deep breath, and exerted his strength again.

At this time, Zhang Yang, the empty Buddha statue behind him gradually became larger, always as tall as a majestic mountain.

As Zhang Yang slowly opened his eyes, the golden body of the Buddha also moved.

There was only a bang, as if something crawled out of the ground.

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, and looked towards the ground in surprise.

I saw that the ground was full of sand at the moment, and it started to surge like waves, as if something was about to crawl out of the ground.

Zhang Yang frowned and looked at Yan Mo, and saw that he was also stunned in place, completely forgetting that he was going to be struck by lightning, so he shouted to him: "Idiot, now is not the time to be in a daze, be careful of your head!" lightning strike."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yang waved his hand at the Golden Buddha behind him, and saw the Golden Buddha slowly floating up, rushing towards Yan Mo's direction.

Yan Mo's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he wanted to reply a few words, but the thunder and lightning had already hit his head, and the pain made his whole body numb, and he couldn't say a word.

Yan Mo clenched his teeth, trying hard to control the transmission of spiritual energy in his hands, and had no energy to defend against the lightning strike above his head.

But at this moment, the top of his head suddenly became quiet, only the crackling sound of the golden light cluster in front of him and the purple aura in his hand constantly intersecting.

Yan Mo froze for a moment, looked up in surprise, and saw that the huge golden Buddha statue drawn by Zhang Yang's illusion was actually on top of his head, and stretched out a hand to scatter the thunder and lightning in the air. All the remaining lightning strikes were wiped out one by one.

Yan Mo was so shocked that he couldn't describe his mood at the moment.

The golden Buddha statue transformed by Zhang Yang is not a phantom!

Could it be that the Buddha from the Nine Heavens really descended to help Zhang Yang?
But this is impossible, the Buddha is guarding that thing above the nine heavens, how can he still have the energy to go down to earth?
Yan Mo took a deep breath, temporarily put aside all the distracting thoughts in his mind at the moment, and concentrated on smashing the golden net in front of him with his aura.

Seeing that the crisis on Yan Mo's side had been resolved, Zhang Yang heaved a sigh of relief, and looked towards the ground with his brows furrowed.

In the middle of the sandy land, a small hill rises high, and the sand keeps sliding to the surroundings, as if something is about to break out of the ground.

Zhang Yang took a closer look, and vaguely saw a black shiny thing in the small sand dune.

(End of this chapter)

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