Temple of Madness

Chapter 482 I am Fuxi

Chapter 482 I am Fuxi
Chapter 482 I am Fuxi

Empress Nuwa looked at the boy with eyes full of memories, and her voice was sad.

"Yes, that's Fuxi, and you, in other words, the scorching sun in your mouth is also me."

Zhang Yang's eyes widened in surprise, he shook his head again and again, and said in a trembling voice: "No, this is impossible, what's going on? Didn't you say that Lord Fuxi destroyed his soul and disappeared into the world in order to seal Satan? Could it be Fuxi?"

Empress Nuwa sighed softly, with tears welling up in her eyes.

"Your surprised look is exactly the same as when he was young. It's just that we have experienced too much, and there are too many burdens on his shoulders, which made him unable to breathe, and his whole person became a lot more gloomy. .I haven't seen it for a long time, and I really miss the vivid and lovely expression on this face."

Looking at the tears in Empress Nuwa's eyes, Zhang Yang felt a throbbing pain in his heart. He pursed the corners of his lips and didn't know how to comfort her. He could only wait for her to digest his sad emotions quietly before asking cautiously: "Empress Nuwa , What do you mean by what you just said? What do you mean I am Fuxi, and the scorching sun is you?"

Nuwa smiled faintly, glanced at the boys and girls frolicking by the stream with nostalgia, then flicked her sleeves, the scene in front of her suddenly changed.

Zhang Yang watched with his brows tightly furrowed. At this moment, they were standing in front of a magnificent palace. The doorway was full of people wearing ancient costumes. Among them were men and women, old and young. Everyone exuded a faint threat pressure.

Zhang Yang scanned the faces one by one curiously. Several of them were so familiar, but he had not met them before, but he had seen them in the portraits of those myth books, and he even saw them. The God of Wealth is worshiped every year during festivals.

"My God! Are these the gods in the fairy world? Where are Yuanhua Tianzun and Yuanshi Tianzun?"

Nuwa said slowly: "This is the beginning of the world. When Fuxi and I just formed the Nine Heavens Protoss Clan, the two little brats Yuan Hua and Yuan Shi hadn't even flown into the sky yet."

Zhang Yang nodded ignorantly, looking at the faces of the gods talking and laughing happily, he couldn't help being curious, what caused such a harmonious family to branch out.

Just when Zhang Yang was curious about what the Empress Nuwa wanted to tell him when she brought him here, suddenly a golden light exploded above his head, dispelling all the colorful auspicious clouds in the Nine Heavens.

Seeing that the Tathagata Buddha, who can only be seen in the temple, stopped in front of him lifelike, Zhang Yang suddenly had mixed feelings in his heart, and hurriedly bowed respectfully to the Buddha.

As soon as he finished the ceremony, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered that he was in an illusion. He bowed to the Buddha, how could the Buddha know?
But when Zhang Yang raised his head, he was surprised to find that the Buddha's eyes turned to him, as if he was looking at him, and even smiled at him.

"Girl! Empress Nuwa, what's going on here? Why do I see the Buddha smiling at me? Could it be that we are not in an illusion but in reality?"

Nuwa patted Zhang Yang's shoulder with a smile, looked at the Buddha thoughtfully, and nodded slightly to her.

"Do you know why outside the Three Realms, everyone regards Buddha as the most important thing?"

Zhang Yang shook his head in doubt, looked at Empress Nuwa and then at Buddha, and felt that both of them seemed to be real, and this place did not seem to be an illusion.

"Don't think too much, this is indeed an illusion, but the Buddha is a special existence. The Buddha's way is different from other gods. It can be said that the Buddha has moistened everything silently in every corner, so even if this is an illusion, the Buddha still exists. of."

Zhang Yang thought about the words of Empress Nuwa thoughtfully, and looked at the Buddha with a frown.

"...Then the Buddha is so powerful. Why did the human world suffer a catastrophe this time, Satan was resurrected and resurrected, but the Buddha did not appear!"

Empress Nuwa shook her head slightly, and while walking to the depths of the hall, she sighed: "Because the Buddha has more important things to do, although there are Buddha's consciousness in every corner, even above the Nine Heavens, The Buddha can also know what happened in the human world. But the Buddha cannot descend to the earth, if he helps you eliminate Satan and resolve all kinds of crises, then the real disaster will come."

"What, what does this mean? Could it be that the Buddha is suppressing something above the Nine Heavens?"

After Zhang Yang said this guess, he was startled, quickly covered his mouth, looked at Empress Nuwa's serious expression, and suddenly realized that he seemed to have touched the biggest secret in the world.

"You are as smart as Fuxi, you don't need me to explain everything, you can understand it with just a little touch."

"What exactly is the Buddha suppressing? Is it a monster more dangerous than Satan?"

Empress Nuwa looked at Zhang Yang thoughtfully, waved her hands, and said with a chuckle: "If you want to tell you what happened thousands of years ago, then it's still in the order of chronological development. You can see it by yourself bit by bit. Bar."

Zhang Yang frowned and watched Empress Nuwa walking in the front. With a wave of his hand, the scene outside the hall suddenly changed.

At this moment, they are no longer outside the hall, but in the center of the hall, and all the immortal families are also in the hall.

It's just that this time they were completely silent, no one spoke, and everyone looked forward with adoring faces.

There is fairy air everywhere, very dreamy.

The hall is not as magnificent as Zhang Yang imagined, but the flowers are fragrant, not majestic and solemn, and the atmosphere is very relaxed.

Zhang Yang followed everyone's line of sight, looked forward, and found two men and women with snake tails, wearing golden armor, walking to the central throne with snake tails swimming.

Seeing this pair of men and women, Zhang Yang still gasped involuntarily.

This is Fuxi and Nuwa who looked exactly the same as Zhang Yang Jiaoyang before, except that the two of them at this moment did not have the youth they saw in front of the stream just now. momentum.

"See Empress Nuwa and Lord Fuxi."

When all the immortals saw Nuwa and Fuxi, they bowed their hands respectfully and shouted in unison.

Nuwa and Fuxi smiled at each other, stretched out their hands tacitly, and an invisible force supported the immortals.

At this moment, the Buddha walked into the hall barefoot slowly, with a benevolent smile on his face.

Following the Buddha's steps, lotus flowers bloomed where his steps fell, holy and holy.

(End of this chapter)

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