Sweet marriage

Chapter 107 The feeling of being in love

Chapter 107 The feeling of being in love (10)

After Fang Ruoxi left, Lei Zijun couldn't sit still anymore, he wanted to explain the matter clearly to Chen Yiyi, so that she wouldn't misunderstand him.

Caring about a person will naturally not let her get hurt because of a misunderstanding.Lei Zijun only has Chen Yiyi in his heart, and he can no longer hold any woman. Now that he has identified her, he will love her forever.

When Chen Yiyi came to the office, she said with a cold expression, "Boss Lei, what can I do for you?"

Lei Zijun knew that she must be angry, "Yiyi, you are angry with me."

"How dare I be angry with you?"

"You are obviously angry like this."

Lei Zijun took Chen Yiyi's hand, trying to pull her into his arms.

Chen Yiyi began to resist instinctively, but she was too weak to be his opponent at all.

She was imprisoned in Lei Zijun's arms, with her little hands pressed against his chest, trying to break free.

"Let go of me, or I'm going to call someone."

As soon as she said it, she regretted it a little. There were only the two of them in this big office. Who was she calling for!

"Yiyi, calm down first and let me explain to you."

"I won't listen, go find your love sister!"

Chen Yiyi was a little excited, thinking of that enchanting woman, she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Are you jealous?"

Lei Zijun smiled happily. His little girl cared about him very much, and she got into trouble with him because she was jealous.

"I'm not jealous. Don't be sentimental."

Chen Yiyi began to twist her body, trying to get out of his embrace, but being held by him like this made her heart beat faster involuntarily.

Her small movements actually aroused Lei Zijun's reaction, he frowned, his voice became a little hoarse due to lust, "Don't move anymore, or I want you now."

Chen Yiyi didn't dare to move after receiving his warning.

She looked at Lei Zijun's gloomy face, and thought that it was broad daylight and he was in the office, so he shouldn't dare to mess around, right?
"Zijun, let me go, can't I not move around?"

Chen Yiyi suddenly noticed the change in Lei Zijun, she knew that she was lighting a fire, and it was safest to stay away from him now.

"Then tell me, are you jealous?"

Lei Zijun adjusted his breathing to suppress the desire in his heart.Chen Yiyi, a little woman, can easily drive him crazy. When did he become so sensitive.

In the past, Lei Zijun was a man with super self-will. For him, he would not touch women if he could not touch them.There is no woman who can get close to him, even he admires himself a little.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't make trouble for no reason. I shouldn't be jealous of you. Let me go."

Chen Yiyi herself felt that a certain part of him was getting bigger and bigger, so she quickly admitted her mistake.

Lei Zijun let go of her in time, his patience was almost at the limit, although he was a bit reluctant to let her go, but he had to do it.

Chen Yiyi saw Lei Zijun let go of herself, and quickly backed away to keep a safe distance from him.As expected, the man was thinking with his lower body, and he couldn't take it anymore.

She reminded herself not to provoke this man easily in the future.

"Yiyi, can you calm down and listen to my explanation?"

Lei Zijun calmed down, he had to explain this to her clearly.

"Zijun, I know I've gone too far. I shouldn't disbelieve you, but I just couldn't control my emotions at that time."

Chen Yiyi calmed down and felt that her behavior was indeed a bit too much.

(End of this chapter)

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