Sweet marriage

Chapter 111 Love Rival Attacks

Chapter 111 Love Rival Attacks (4)

The ordered dishes were served one after another.

Seeing that Fang Ruoxi's mood had stabilized, Lei Zijun put on a smile again, "Don't stand still, let's eat while it's hot."

Qin Ming looked at the two of them, feeling uncomfortable in his heart.She tried her best to make Fang Ruoxi happy, but she couldn't see her heart.Lei Zijun's short sentence can make her laugh, he really feels like a failure.

"Qin Ming, if Ruoxi is new to the company, what does she not understand? You have to teach her and take good care of my sister for me. You are not allowed to bully her."

Lei Zijun mentioned his sister again, hoping that Fang Ruoxi could figure it out and stop thinking about himself as soon as possible.

"Zijun, how dare I bully her! I can only be bullied by her."

Qin Ming felt the same way, different people were treated differently, Fang Ruoxi was always fierce towards him.

While Qin Ming was speaking, Fang Ruoxi gave him a warning look, reminding him not to talk nonsense.

"Qin Ming, Ruoxi is Chengyu's baby sister, even if she does something wrong, you have to be patient and don't let Ruoxi be wronged."

Qin Ming thought to himself why he always blamed himself, even if he didn't remind himself, he was 100% good to her, but that girl didn't take it seriously.

"Zijun, just rest assured, I will never dare to bully her. By the way, why don't you ask Chen Yiyi to come with you?"

Qin Ming is which pot does not open and which pot to lift. The most important thing now is to let Fang Ruoxi understand that she and Lei Zijun are impossible. Lei Zijun has fallen in love with Chen Yiyi.

"She has something to do today."

He didn't want the two of them to get together again. If the problem was not resolved, it would be a hidden danger.

"Brother Jun, what do you like about Chen Yiyi?"

Fang Ruoxi couldn't hold back anymore, when she mentioned that woman, she couldn't help but wonder why she was worthy of Brother Jun's love.

"Maybe it's fate, I like everything about her."

Lei Zijun told the truth, when in a relationship, the other party is good everywhere.I don't know if I will think so after marriage.Maybe if you love someone, you will tolerate everything about her.

"But Brother Jun, she is not good enough for you at all."

"Ruoxi, don't say such things in the future. Whether she is worthy of me or not is like a mirror in my heart."

Lei Zijun's tone became a little cold.

When you care about someone, you naturally can't tolerate others saying that your lover is not good.

Fang Ruoxi felt the coldness from Lei Zijun, she buried her head in eating, no matter how delicious the food was, she still felt tasteless in her mouth.

Who can understand the pain in her heart, if brother Jun can treat her so well, it would be great, they should be a couple.Why did that Chen Yiyi appear by Brother Jun's side one step earlier, taking away the love that should belong to him.

Fang Ruoxi began to hate Chen Yiyi in her heart. She owed her the pain she was in now, and one day she would get it back twice as much.

Qin Ming put some vegetables into Fang Ruoxi's bowl, "Ruoxi, the food here is delicious, eat more."

From Fang Ruoxi's expression, he could guess that the girl must be very sad.She has fallen into unrequited love and cannot extricate herself, and the person who tied the bell needs to be untied. He hopes that Zijun can handle this matter well.

Fang Ruoxi didn't speak, but Qin Ming's concern made her feel warm.

Picking up the food Qin Ming gave her and putting it in his mouth, he smiled and said, "It's delicious. I don't know if I will have a chance to eat here with Brother Jun."

(End of this chapter)

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