Sweet marriage

Chapter 113 Love Rival Attacks

Chapter 113 Love Rival Attacks (6)

"Manager Qin, thank you."

For his concern for her, she could only use these few words to express her gratitude to him.

"Ruoxi, you have to think about it. Are you afraid that no one will chase you for such a beautiful girl? Maybe you can consider the people around you."

Qin Ming knew that it was inappropriate for him to say this now, but he sincerely hoped that Fang Ruoxi could see him.

"We won't mention this matter anymore, such a table of food will not be wasted."

Fang Ruoxi left Qin Ming, she understood what he meant, but she still couldn't get over that hurdle in her heart, she couldn't let go of her love for Lei Zijun easily, what she needs now is time, maybe after a long time, her love for him will fade.Time is the best weapon for healing.

Qin Ming smiled helplessly and returned to his seat.No matter how delicious the dish is, it seems to have no taste now.Mood can really decide everything, he feels a sense of frustration now, why is he also a handsome guy, why someone would rather get hurt than accept himself, maybe it is really not the time for him to say these things now.

The two ate some dishes casually, and ended the unpleasant meal early.

On the way back to the company, Qin Ming has been observing Fang Ruoxi.The girl looked a little lonely, and seemed unable to cheer up anything.

Qin Ming thought that Zijun had made it so clear to her, she should not be obsessed with it anymore, maybe after a long time she would naturally forget about Zijun.

The two returned to the office with their own concerns. Fang Ruoxi sat on the seat and looked ahead, wondering what she was thinking.

Qin Ming didn't bother her. She might not listen to some advice from others. She had to figure it out entirely on her own, and no one else could help her.

Fang Ruoxi was in a trance all afternoon and lacked energy.

Qin Ming was a little worried when he got off work, "Ruoxi, let me take you home."

"No, I'm fine."

Fang Ruoxi packed up, walked out of the office, and went straight to the elevator.

When she left the company, she felt depressed and she didn't want to go home at all.

She drove the car and went to a bar.I ordered a glass of wine and sat on the side watching all kinds of people.

She took a sip, the taste was slightly sweet followed by a sour and spicy taste.

Fang Ruoxi picked up the wine glass, swirled the wine in the glass, drank it down, put down the glass, and looked at the people in the distance.

She just came here to relax, she knew that wine should not be drunk too much.Especially a single woman like her would be very dangerous if she was drunk.

After a few minutes, Fang Ruoxi felt someone sitting beside her.

"Miss, drinking alone is so boring! You chat with me, how about I buy you a drink?"

The nice male voice made Fang Ruoxi pay attention to the people around him.

Looking carefully at the man who seemed to strike up a conversation, with a resolute face, picturesque eyebrows, and sexy thin lips, at first glance, he looked like a handsome man who came out of a cartoon.

Fang Ruoxi pushed back the wine that the handsome man put beside her. She would never drink a stranger's wine, and she didn't even want to drink too much. Drinking too much would hurt her body and cause trouble.

"Thank you! I don't need it."

"Beauty, you are very strange, don't you come to the bar just to drink?"

"Of course, but I don't drink from strangers."

Fang Ruoxi didn't want to get entangled with this kind of person at all, so she stopped looking at him after speaking, and looked at the person in the distance.

Those people danced their bodies to their heart's content, venting their emotions.

"Is there anything unhappy about you? Tell me, maybe I can help you."

(End of this chapter)

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