Sweet marriage

Chapter 133 Surprise

Chapter 133 Surprise (6)

"Mom, let's not worry about what she says, okay? We just want to live better than her and piss her off."

Chen Yiyi comforted her mother.

There are all kinds of birds in the forest, just do your own thing, and treat her as air.You can't sew her mouth shut.

"Yiyi, mom is complaining for you. Last time, she made a lot of noise about it. It's really ugly. Why do you think she can't look down on others?"

The more Chen Yiyi's mother thought about it, the more angry she became, and she became a little emotional.

"Mom, now that Zijun is here, let's not talk about it, okay? Let him get over what's in the past, and what's more, I'll clean up by myself. It's not something she can confuse with a few words."

"Okay, let's not talk about it, you go out to accompany Zijun, mom cooks."

"Mom, what is there for him to accompany, I'd better help you."

Chen Yiyi has quick eyes and quick hands, and has cleaned all the vegetables in the basket.

She knew that her mother was in a bad mood, so she wanted to spend more time chatting with her.

When she and Lei Zijun went back to the city, they would be together every day, not for a while.

Lei Zijun used this time to connect with the company's executives with his mobile phone, directing the company's major matters by phone.He also told the company's executives that it would take a few days for him to return to the company if he had something to do, and he could call him if there was something important.He will also contact them when he has time.

In the kitchen, Chen Yiyi's mother and Yiyi were busy.

"Yiyi, how long have you known Zijun?"

Chen Yiyi's mother couldn't help asking curiously, it wasn't long before her second aunt introduced her to her partner, and her daughter didn't have a date at that time.

"Mom, Zijun and I have known each other for a long time, but he only started chasing me recently."

Chen Yiyi answered carefully, not knowing what mother meant.

"Young people always talk about love, do you love Zijun?"

"Mom, of course I like him, otherwise we wouldn't be together."

Chen Yiyi was a little embarrassed, her little face turned red.

"Then mother suggested that you and Zijun should settle the marriage first. Why do you always object? Do you have something to hide from your mother?"

Chen Yiyi's mother keenly felt that there was something going on here. After all, it was related to her daughter's life-long event, so she naturally wanted to ask clearly.

"Mom, I just think we're developing too fast, and I can't react. I want to have a process of understanding and adapting with Zijun."

Chen Yiyi patiently explained to her mother that she knew that her mother was worried about her.

"You child, I can see that Zijun is really kind to you. Look at the situation in our family. Compared with him, a rich man, he goes up and down every day. He doesn't despise us little because of you. So Mom can see that he really cares about you. Put your heart in your stomach and don’t hesitate any longer. After your dad comes back, I will discuss the matter with him. If Zijun doesn’t object, our two families will choose What do you think about setting up your wedding on a good day?"

Chen Yiyi didn't know what to say, her mother had already talked about this point, could she disagree?Besides, it's not that she disagrees, she just doesn't want to be too anxious.

"Mom, you have the final say, it should work!"

"Yiyi, why do I listen to you? It seems like my mother is forcing you. I'm all for your own good. Zijun is such an outstanding man. If you don't settle down with him sooner, won't you be afraid of being snatched away by other women?"

There are some things that they cannot control, even if Zijun is not a playful man.I'm also afraid of being entangled by other women. If I meet a caring woman, my daughter may not be my match.

(End of this chapter)

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