Sweet marriage

Chapter 136 Surprise

Chapter 136 Surprise (9)

When Chen Yiyi came out of the kitchen, she saw Lei Zijun chatting happily with her father.

"Dad, you should know each other without my introduction, right?"

Chen Yiyi sat down beside Lei Zijun.

"Yiyi, Zijun is here, why don't you accompany him well."

"Dad, you don't know, Zijun will be here in the morning, and I've been with him all afternoon, it's not too late."

"Zijun, since you're here, let's play for a few more days, and then you and Yiyi will go back to the city together."

"Uncle, that's exactly what I meant. I've been busy with business all these years, so I should take a vacation for myself."

"You guys chat first, the meal should be ready soon, let's have dinner later."

Chen Yiyi greeted her and went to help her mother again. Seeing that her father and Lei Zijun had a good chat, she had nothing to worry about.

At the dinner table, Chen Yiyi's engagement to Lei Zijun was naturally mentioned again.

Chen Yiyi's father also agreed, and they settled the marriage first.

After Chen Yiyi figured it out, she didn't raise any objections, so let everything take its course.

She has fallen in love with Lei Zijun, and the end result of love is marriage.Although she didn't know whether she could adapt to her married life in the future, she dared to try.

Everyone enjoyed the dinner this time.When Chen Yiyi's parents saw their harmony, they were naturally relieved.The daughter now has a good home, and a stone in their hearts has also fallen to the ground.

After dinner, Chen Yiyi chatted with Lei Zijun for a while, and the two went to rest separately.

Lei Zijun decided to play here for a few days, and he stayed in Chen Yiyi's younger brother's room temporarily.

Only now did he know that Chen Yiyi had a younger brother who was studying in university in the city. It seemed that he still lacked understanding of her.


After Fang Ruoxi figured it out, she regained her previous confidence when she went to work.

If she wanted to get close to Lei Zijun, she couldn't stand on the opposite side with him.

Since her handsome brother regards her as his younger sister, she will appear in front of him more often as a younger sister, so that he can relax his vigilance and achieve his goals.

"Manager Qin, good morning!"

When Fang Ruoxi entered the office, she saw that Qin Ming seemed to be going out, so she took the initiative to say hello.

Qin Ming looked at Fang Ruoxi in surprise. She had been in a cold war with him for the past few days, and it was the first time she took the initiative to talk to him.

"Ruoxi, you seem to be in high spirits today, what's the matter?"

"Manager Qin, what are you talking about? Do you want to see me with a sad face all day long?"

Thinking of my own appearance in those days, I must be extremely ugly.A person's mental outlook can determine a person's state.If you are happy, you will look beautiful.

"I like you the way you are."

Fang Ruoxi sat in her seat, and Qin Ming also followed her across from her.

"That's good! I thought Manager Qin was different from others? He likes to see others make a fool of themselves."

Fang Ruoxi is in the mood to joke with him now, thinking that he would sometimes drive herself mad with anger, she really wants to seek justice from him.

"Ruoxi, it seems that you are really well. Have you figured it out?"

"I don't know what else I can do. I can't keep suffering like that. Although it will take some time to accept that fact, I will work hard."

The first thing she wanted to do now was to let Qin Ming know that she had figured it out and would not pester Lei Zijun anymore.

"It's good that you can figure it out. In order to celebrate your rebirth, I will treat you at noon."

Qin Ming was very happy, she gave up Lei Zijun, then her chance came.

(End of this chapter)

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