Sweet marriage

Chapter 138 Marriage Phobia

Chapter 138 Marriage Phobia (1)

"It's nothing. Zijun was deeply hurt by the previous relationship. He hasn't had a girlfriend in these years, and he rarely has contact with women at all. I thought he was going to be single for the rest of his life. Now he has After leaving Chen Yiyi, he finally got out of the past relationship and started a new life, we should be happy for him."

Although Fang Ruoxi was smiling, her heart was bitter.

"Does brother Jun really like sister Yiyi?"

Fang Ruoxi really hoped that Lei Zijun didn't really like Chen Yiyi.He just wanted to end his single life on impulse.

"Of course, you don't know that you can often see a smile on Zijun's face recently."

He was always cold before, but since he dated Chen Yiyi, his temper seems to be much better.Love can really change a person.

Lei Zijun is the best example. It seems that he is absolutely serious this time.

"What about Sister Yiyi? Does she also really like Brother Jun?"

"Ruoxi, you have so many questions, have you not given up on Zijun yet?"

"Manager Qin, I just want to know if they really love each other. I really envy Sister Yiyi. If I could meet a man like Brother Jun, it would be great."

"In fact, there is one beside you, but you can't see it."

Qin Ming started to promote himself again.

"Manager Qin, the man you are referring to is not you, is it?"

Fang Ruoxi realized later that Qin Ming always kept information about his elder brother Jun from the past, so it was because he was interested in him.

"Well, you've finally come to terms with it."

Qin Ming could understand her. Before, she only had Lei Zijun in her heart, so naturally she couldn't see herself.

"Manager Qin, I'm really surprised. I don't think we are suitable."

Fang Ruoxi was a little embarrassed. It seemed that she would not get any useful information from Qin Ming in the future.

"How do you know it's not suitable if you haven't tried it, I can let you try it for free."

"Manager Qin, please don't make a joke. My mind is in a mess right now, can you let me be quiet first?"

Fang Ruoxi didn't want to continue this topic with him, and started to chase people away.

Qin Ming smiled self-deprecatingly, "I happen to have something to do, so I'll go get busy first."

He came out of the office feeling very disappointed.


Lei Zijun and Chen Yiyi played in the village for a few days.

Lin Yiyang didn't deliberately follow them, this small mountain village was originally small, so he occasionally met them when he went out to play.

When he sees them, he will avoid them from a distance, and sometimes use the camera to take a few intimate photos of them.He thought it might come in handy one day.

One afternoon, when Chen Yiyi went climbing with Lei Zijun, she accidentally sprained her foot. Although it was not very heavy, she walked slowly.

Lei Zijun felt distressed when he saw her, and he carried Chen Yiyi on his back on the way back.

The beauty of their handsome men and women is already very eye-catching, but now that Lei Zijun is carrying Chen Yiyi on his back, tourists on the road can't help but look at them, and some tourists even say hello to them kindly.

Chen Yiyi lay on his back, her little face was flushed, she was a little embarrassed now, and wanted to hide.

"Zijun, are you tired? I can walk by myself."

"No, although your feet are not very heavy, if you are asked to walk back, I'm afraid it will be aggravated."

Lei Zijun's words were full of concern for Chen Yiyi.He already guessed that Chen Yiyi would definitely be shy.

"But I'm afraid you'll be exhausted."

"Don't worry, you are so light, I have no problem carrying you home."

(End of this chapter)

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