Sweet marriage

Chapter 140 Marriage Phobia

Chapter 140 Marriage Phobia (3)

"Yiyi, you think too much. You should have some confidence in yourself."

"Mom, I'm very confident in our relationship. It's just that when it comes to getting married, I feel a little panic in my heart for no reason."

"Yiyi, this is a normal phenomenon, and it will get better after a while."

I hope so, Chen Yiyi suddenly remembered something, she could ask her good friend Zhao Muyun for advice.

So much has happened lately, both good and bad.She almost forgot about her good friends. She got married and went on honeymoon, and it has been more than a month now. I don't know how it is now?

"Mom, let's not talk about this, I'm a little tired, and I want to go back to my room to rest for a while."

"Then go and rest, mom is going to be busy too."

Chen Yiyi went back to her room and lay on the bed, picked up her mobile phone and called her friend.

After a long time, she was about to give up, when a voice came from the other end of the phone, "Yiyi, why didn't you say to call me for so long? I thought you forgot about me."

"Mu Yun, you're still blaming me, isn't it the same for you? Did you play too far and forget about my old friend?"

Chen Yiyi said half-jokingly.

"Yiyi, it's not what you think. I've had so much fun recently. I went to a lot of places. When I got back to the hotel, I really didn't have the energy. So I'm sorry, it's not that I don't miss you, but that I'm too tired. "

"It's still not the same after talking for a long time. You have been on your honeymoon for so long. When are you coming back?"

"It will probably take a few days. When I go back, I will go to your company to find you."

"No, I no longer work for that company."

"What happened during my absence?"

Zhao Muyun realized that she only cared about enjoying the sweet life after marriage and neglected her old friends.

"It's nothing. It's just that I changed to a better company. You should be happy for me."

"Really? I think you were in the previous company. Not to mention the low salary, the manager often made you work overtime. You didn't have time to think about your life's major events. Now it's all right, you should have left that company long ago. Go back After that, I'll introduce you to someone."

"I have good news for you, I have a boyfriend, so you don't have to worry about me."

"Yiyi, I didn't expect to see you for more than a month. You already have a boyfriend. Is he handsome?"

Zhao Muyun was full of curiosity.

"Tell you, he's super handsome, so handsome that it's unreasonable."

Chen Yiyi still had a smile on her face when she spoke, imitating Zhao Muyun's usual tone and answering her questions.

The bedroom door was suddenly opened, and Lei Zijun walked in.

"Yiyi, who do you think is so handsome?"

Chen Yiyi covered the phone's microphone with her hand, and said to Lei Zijun, "I told my good friend that you are so handsome."

She pointed to the mobile phone with her finger, indicating that she was talking to a friend, and hoped that Lei Zijun would not disturb her.

"Is there anything I can't hear?"

Lei Zijun asked back.

"You should not be interested in the private affairs between us women."

Chen Yiyi got out of bed and pushed Lei Zijun out of the room, she was too embarrassed to discuss him in front of Lei Zijun.

Lei Zijun didn't object either, and followed her out of the room.

"Hey, is Mu Yun still listening?"

"Yiyi, why did I hear the man's voice? Could it be that you are living with that man? Didn't you say that you will only behave like that after you get married?"

The friend asked a lot of questions at once, she was afraid that Chen Yiyi would be cheated by a man with malicious intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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