Sweet marriage

Chapter 148 Change Strategy

Chapter 148 Change Strategy (2)

"Manager Qin, you really came in time. I can see you no matter where you are."

Fang Ruoxi understood that it must be Lei Zijun who called Qin Ming here. Although she was a little unhappy in her heart, she didn't show it on the surface.

"This shows that we are destined, do you think I am right?"

Qin Ming had experienced many trials and hardships, so he didn't care about Fang Ruoxi's attitude towards him.If you want to embrace the beauty, you will naturally have to go all out and pay a price.

"It's really fate."

Lei Zijun looked at the two calmly from the side, the two of them can definitely be called happy friends.

Unknowingly, the dishes they ordered were served, and the two bickering people completely forgot what they were here for.

"Have you finished talking? I'm going to eat."

Lei Zijun's magnetic and pleasant voice successfully interrupted the two of them.

Fang Ruoxi touched her little face, thinking that Qin Ming was indeed her nemesis, and she couldn't get rid of him wherever she went.She almost forgot that she came to strengthen her relationship with Lei Zijun.

"Brother Jun, I'm sorry, I let you see a joke."

Fang Ruoxi said with a red face.

She made Qin Ming confused again.

"Ruoxi, don't be embarrassed, we communicate normally, it's not a joke at all. Don't you think he's not smiling either?"

Qin Ming is the best at distorting the facts, Fang Ruoxi was completely defeated by him.

"Manager Qin, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb." Fang Ruoxi was also a little mean when Qin Ming angrily spoke her words.

"Ruoxi, it's your fault, this handsome man like me is not dumb."

Now Fang Ruoxi feels so helpless, her lungs are about to explode from Qin Mingqi, can she still eat?
"Manager Qin, please shut up now, okay? I heard your voice, and I'm in a terrible mood."

"Ruoxi, it's too hurtful for you to say this. Didn't I do it to make you happy? It's all out of good intentions."

Qin Ming was in a good mood at the moment, seeing Fang Ruoxi's expression of wanting to get angry but unable to explode in front of Lei Zijun, he was a little afraid that she would hold back internal injuries.

This girl's aggressive side can only be restrained in front of Lei Zijun.

He doesn't know when his dedication will pay off.

"Stop talking, both of you, and eat quickly."

Lei Zijun was also a little helpless, he would not persuade a fight.But the bickering between the two is really interesting.

"Since Zijun has spoken, I will let you go today."

Qin Ming blinked at Fang Ruoxi, implying that the two should stop bickering for now.

Fang Ruoxi didn't bother to talk to him anymore, and just ate her own food.

Now she once again experienced the feeling of not knowing what to eat.

"Zijun, why didn't you ask Yiyi to come with you?"

Qin Ming asked while eating, he was in a happy mood now, and that girl was once again defeated by him.

"She's tired these days, and I asked her to go back to her residence to rest."

Lei Zijun's words were ambiguous, making it easy for people to misunderstand.

No matter how Fang Ruoxi heard it, she felt that it was unpleasant. It turned out that they had already lived together.

She had wishful thinking that they were innocent, but now her dream was completely shattered.

"Zijun, you haven't married her yet, so you already know that you love her. I didn't expect you to be so caring."

"Manager Qin, brother Jun is so good. He even helped Elder Yiyi choose clothes, which is really enviable."

Fang Ruoxi said this on purpose to make them think that she had given up on Lei Zijun.

(End of this chapter)

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