Sweet marriage

Chapter 157 The Secret War Between Women

Chapter 157 The Secret War Between Women (1)

"Brother Jun, I'm sorry, I won't bother you."

Fang Ruoxi is also an adult, so she naturally knows that she has ruined their good deed.

When she came to work, she happened to see two people who came to work together holding hands.

She kept reminding herself to be calm, but she still couldn't control herself, and followed quietly to the top floor.

When she came outside Lei Zijun's office, there was a sound of panting, so she could naturally imagine what was happening in the office.

She couldn't help knocking on the office door.

When Lei Zijun saw that it was Fang Ruoxi, he tried his best to suppress his anger.

"Ruoxi, is there anything you can do to find me so early?"

"Brother Jun, I came here to apologize to Sister Yiyi."

Fang Ruoxi's face was calm, she didn't look at Chen Yiyi, instead she kept looking at Lei Zijun.

She could see that Lei Zijun's expression was not very good because he disturbed them, as if he was suppressing his anger.

Chen Yiyi was very surprised by Fang Ruoxi's sudden visit. She didn't speak, but kept watching Fang Ruoxi, not knowing what she was going to do?
"Ruoxi, why do you say that?"

"Brother Jun, I made sister Yiyi misunderstand you before, so I feel very sorry, so I want to explain clearly to sister Yiyi."

After Fang Ruoxi finished speaking, she looked at Chen Yiyi who was standing beside Lei Zijun.

She stepped forward and took Chen Yiyi's hand. People who don't know will feel that their relationship is very good.

"Sister Yiyi, I have figured it out now. Brother Jun just regards me as a younger sister. I have accepted this fact. In fact, it is not bad to be his younger sister. If you have caused any trouble before, I apologize to you and hope Yiyi Sister can forgive me."

Fang Ruoxi spoke so sincerely that even she herself admired her acting skills a little bit.

Chen Yiyi looked at Fang Ruoxi, and simply thought that Fang Ruoxi had really figured it out, so she couldn't say anything more, after all, the two of them didn't know each other well.

"Ruoxi, you think too much, why would I be angry with you, and you don't need to apologize to me."

Chen Yiyi said politely, but there was a strange voice in her heart, reminding her not to get too close to Fang Ruoxi.

Maybe it's a woman's intuition, even though Fang Ruoxi was acting harmless at this time, she still didn't like her very much from the bottom of her heart, and felt a little against her.

"Sister Yiyi, you are so kind, no wonder Brother Jun likes you."

A smile appeared on Fang Ruoxi's face, as if Chen Yiyi didn't care about her anymore, she was very happy.

Chen Yiyi withdrew her hand, stopped looking at Fang Ruoxi, and said to Lei Zijun, "Zijun, if I have nothing else to do, I'll go to work first."

"Okay, let's go to work first."

Chen Yiyi walked out of the office, she believed that Lei Zijun was sincere to her, she believed him.

As for Fang Ruoxi, Chen Yiyi believed that Lei Zijun would not like her.As for where her confidence came from, of course it was given to her by Lei Zijun.

Now that they love each other, they must trust each other. They still have a long way to go in the future, and the road ahead may be difficult, but as long as they are in the same mind, she believes that they will live happily.No one and nothing will and cannot destroy their relationship.

Fang Ruoxi looked at Chen Yiyi's back, she had an ominous premonition, she felt that the relationship between Lei Zijun and Chen Yiyi was already very deep, and it seemed that it would not be so easy for her to destroy them.

(End of this chapter)

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