Sweet marriage

Chapter 159 The Secret War Between Women

Chapter 159 The Secret War Between Women (3)

"Ruoxi, I don't think you need to explain this to me. I believe that Zijun only has me in his heart."

Chen Yiyi has complete trust in Lei Zijun, she doesn't want to affect their relationship because of her suspicion.

Although Fang Ruoxi is very beautiful, she is no worse than her, so there is nothing to feel inferior about.

What she has to do now is to have confidence in herself, protect the love between the two of them, and hold Lei Zijun's heart firmly.

"Sister Yiyi is really generous."

"I have confidence in Zijun, he is ready to propose to me."

Chen Yiyi had a smile on her face when she said this, she didn't want to show off, she wanted Fang Ruoxi to see the fact that Lei Zijun was her man.

Fang Ruoxi was stimulated again, she didn't know when Chen Yiyi became so shrewd.

Although her heart was very painful, she still maintained her composure.

"Sister Yiyi, brother Jun also mentioned this matter, I sincerely wish you all. The dress that brother Jun chose for you looks so good on you."

"How do you know that Zijun bought this dress for me?"

Chen Yiyi was very surprised, Zijun just returned to the company yesterday, how could she know the things between them so clearly.

"Brother Jun is not good at buying women's clothes, so he asked me to go shopping with him and be his adviser. To be honest, Brother Jun really has a good eye."

Women are jealous, Fang Ruoxi told Chen Yiyi all this to make her misunderstand Lei Zijun.

Fang Ruoxi concealed it so well that Chen Yiyi couldn't see anything wrong with her at all.On the contrary, she still had a smile on her face, as if she was really blessing them.

"Ruoxi, thank you, I hope you can find your other half as soon as possible."

After Chen Yiyi finished talking about her work, it seemed that she was very busy and didn't want to talk to Fang Ruoxi anymore.

Fang Ruoxi knew that if she kept pestering her, she would not gain anything, so she decided to leave first.

"Sister Yiyi, you are busy first, so I won't bother you. If I have time someday, I'll treat you to dinner and let's have a good chat."

Chen Yiyi looked up at her, just smiled and didn't answer her question.

Sometimes silence is the best answer.

Fang Ruoxi left a little unwillingly, thinking that she could anger Chen Yiyi, but her reaction was far beyond her expectation.

Seeing that Fang Ruoxi had left, Chen Yiyi didn't have the mood to work anymore.Thinking that Fang Ruoxi helped choose this dress, she felt very uncomfortable.

Although she believed in Zijun, she didn't want Zijun to get too close to the woman who had thoughts about him.

She is also a woman, and she can't tolerate this kind of thing.

Chen Yiyi put down her work, made Lei Zijun a cup of coffee, and came to his office.

She didn't knock on the door because she was angry, she just opened it and walked in.

When Lei Zijun saw Chen Yiyi who pushed the door and walked in, his expression didn't look very good.

Chen Yiyi put the coffee in front of Lei Zijun.

"Zijun, you must have worked late last night, I made you a cup of coffee to refresh you."

"Yiyi, why don't you look so good?"

Lei Zijun also wanted to know what happened to Chen Yiyi, she was fine in the morning, why did she change her face after not seeing her for a while.

"I'm very good."

Chen Yiyi smiled and handed the coffee cup into his hand.

"Why do I think you are weird, is there something wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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