Sweet marriage

Chapter 166 The Secret War Between Women

Chapter 166 The Secret War Between Women (10)

"Let's not mention her, shall we? She is Fang Chengyu's younger sister. I don't want her to be hurt because of me."

"I can understand. As a woman, I naturally don't want her to be hurt. I really hope that she can see the truth early and turn back when she is lost."

"Yiyi, do you really think so?"

"of course."

Chen Yiyi gave Lei Zijun a playful smile, now she has more confidence in their relationship, she believes that no matter which woman wants to destroy their relationship, she will not let the other party succeed easily.

"Yiyi, why do I feel that you have changed, and I don't even know you anymore."

"Really? Then do you like me now, or me before?"

Chen Yiyi is now full of confidence in herself.

"I like them all. You used to be simple and kind. Now you are mature and calm. You have an indescribable charm, and you are more and more attractive."

At first he was a little worried, but now that Lei Zijun got to know Chen Yiyi again, he felt that he cared about her more and more.

"Zijun, when did you become so good at pleasing women?"

Chen Yiyi wanted to laugh, the former cold Lei Zijun seemed to have become a thing of the past, but no matter what kind of him he was, she liked it.

"Yiyi, remember one thing, I will only please you."

Lei Zijun leaned over slowly, Chen Yiyi smiled and blocked him with both hands.

"Stop making trouble, it's late now, and I have to go to work tomorrow."

Lei Zijun smiled and did not force himself, restarted the car and started on the road.

The two of them talked about it, and he felt very relaxed. It was much better to say something than to hide it in his heart.

When they arrived at the community where Chen Yiyi lived, Lei Zijun wanted to send Chen Yiyi back to his residence in person, but she accepted without hesitation.

This time it was a coincidence that I ran into Lin Yiyang again in the elevator.

He looked at Lei Zijun, and then said to Chen Yiyi, "Yiyi, when do you have time? I want to treat you to dinner, thank you for helping me last time."

The reason why Lin Yiyang appeared in time was because he had been waiting for Chen Yiyi for a long time.

Chen Yiyi looked at him, and politely refused, "That little thing is nothing, you don't have to invite me to dinner."

Chen Yiyi was very afraid that Lei Zijun might misunderstand, she was a little nervous.I really don't want to meet this man again.

Lei Zijun looked at the handsome Lin Yiyang, his face became a little gloomy.

Involuntarily, he put his hands around Chen Yiyi's shoulders and held her in his arms.

Soon the elevator arrived, and several people came out one after another.

Lin Yiyang didn't seem to give up, he walked up to Chen Yiyi and continued, "Yiyi, I don't like to owe favors to others, so I must invite this meal."

He completely regarded Lei Zijun beside Chen Yiyi as a transparent person, and he was not affected by him at all.

"Yiyi, who is he? What's going on?"

"Zijun, he is the neighbor who just moved here. I told you before, let's go back to the house and I will explain this to you."

Chen Yiyi ignored Lin Yiyang, she dragged Lei Zijun into the house.

Lin Yiyang wanted to say something more, but Chen Yiyi said to him, "I'm sorry." Then she closed the door.

Standing outside the door, Lin Yiyang had the urge to knock, this Chen Yiyi actually treated him like this, even though they were not very close, they couldn't do this.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. No matter what he said, he was a handsome guy, no worse than Lei Zijun at all, but he was treated like this.

(End of this chapter)

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