Sweet marriage

Chapter 171 Cohabitation

Chapter 171 Cohabitation (5)

"What do you know? You don't need to point fingers here, I don't want to hear your big truths."

Fang Ruoxi was a little angry, she was spending money to make herself angry, she didn't know what Chen Yiyi was good for, she confused Lei Zijun and didn't say anything, and the people she hired all said good things for her.

"I'm doing it for Miss Fang's sake, and I don't want you to suffer in the future."

"Put away your kindness, I don't need it. It may not be Chen Yiyi who has the last laugh."

Fang Ruoxi looked at the people in the distance, and proudly straightened her body. She would never give up easily.

"Since this is the case, I have nothing to say. I have taken your money, and I will do what I can do."

Lin Yiyang picked up the wine glass and took a sip of the wine. People who are obsessed with obsession will only wake up when they reach the end of the road. I can only hope that she can turn back sooner.

"I'll leave first if I have nothing else to do, take a good look at them, and report to me in time if there is anything else."

Fang Ruoxi didn't want to stay and discuss this matter with him anymore, she didn't want to be hit by him again.Fang Ruoxi couldn't listen to what he said. Instead, the more frustrated she became, the more persistent she became in her own thoughts.

"Miss Fang, do you need me to see you off?"

"No need."

Fang Ruoxi turned and left after speaking.

Watching Fang Ruoxi's back disappear, Lin Yiyang didn't move and continued to enjoy his life of feasting and feasting.

He raised the wine glass in his hand, shook it in front of his eyes, and muttered softly.

"Woman, you are really interesting. You don't give up until you hit the south wall. You know that you can't force your feelings. Even if you succeed, the rest will only be hurt, and you will not be happy at all."

Lin Yiyang smiled, and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

A tall beautiful woman sat beside him.

"Handsome guy, drinking alone is so boring, why don't I drink with you."

Lin Yiyang smiled gently.

"Sorry, I think I should go home."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.


Lei Zijun didn't work overtime after work, he and Chen Yiyi got off work on time and drove home.He planned to spend more time with Chen Yiyi to enhance the relationship between the two of them.

On the way, Lei Zijun got out of the car to buy some ingredients. He believed that their future life must be very interesting.

The two returned to their residence with vegetables, and this time they met Lin Yiyang who was about to go out.

He was completely unintentional this time, and he didn't expect to meet the two of them back together.

Lin Yiyang greeted Chen Yiyi with a gentle smile, "Yiyi, is this your boyfriend?"

"Hi, my name is Lei Zijun."

Lei Zijun strikes first, he really wants to meet this seemingly harmless man.

"Hi, my name is Lin Yiyang, Yiyi's neighbor."

Lin Yiyang stretched out his hand, and shook Lei Zijun's hand, which seemed to be a friendly gesture, but there was a secret behind it.

Lei Zijun firmly held Lin Yiyang's hand, as if he was declaring his ownership of Chen Yiyi, it's best not to have her idea.

The pain from his hands made Lin Yiyang frown. He could feel Lei Zijun's hostility towards him, which showed that he must care about Chen Yiyi very much.

Lin Yiyang tried to withdraw his hand, but the other party didn't intend to let go.

"Mr. Lei, do you want to invite me to have dinner at home when you buy so many dishes? I just haven't eaten yet, what do you think is a coincidence?"

Lin Yiyang endured the pain, and said with a half-smile.

"You may have misunderstood, I didn't mean that."

Lei Zijun looked at Lin Yiyang with changing expressions, and finally let go of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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