Sweet marriage

Chapter 178 Fang Ruoxi's Calculation

Chapter 178 Fang Ruoxi's Calculation (2)

"I don't care... I don't care... I just like him, I can't control my heart. Brother, I beg you, please help me?"

Fang Ruoxi cried and begged her brother.

"Okay, Ruoxi, you go back to your room and rest first, I'll meet Zijun tomorrow, find out what he's saying, and see what he thinks."

Fang Chengyu helped his sister dry her hair with a bath towel, and coaxed her to go to bed first.

"Brother, do you decide to help me?"

Fang Ruoxi sees hope at this time, she no longer cries and becomes energetic

"I will try my best, go to rest first, and stop making trouble."

Fang Chengyu didn't know what Lei Zijun was thinking, so he wouldn't just agree to his sister.

"Okay, I'll listen to my brother and go to bed now."

Fang Ruoxi seemed to have a backbone, and obediently went upstairs to sleep.

Fang Chengyu looked at her back and sighed. Why didn't he find out that his sister was so deep?

He knew very well that it was impossible for his sister and Lei Zijun, and what he wanted most now was to minimize the damage.

Fang Ruoxi seemed inspired, went back to the room, changed clothes, and then lay down on the bed to sleep.Strange to say, she soon fell asleep.

Instead, Fang Chengyu couldn't fall asleep. He was always thinking about his sister, and he began to worry about her.Why is she so stubborn and doesn't listen to anyone?

After thinking about it, he felt that he should not tell his parents about this in advance, lest they worry about his sister.

He decided to ask Lei Zijun out the next day to have a good chat.

Fang Ruoxi had a dream at night, in the dream she saw Lei Zijun with his ex-girlfriend Shen Yanran.

After waking up, Fang Ruoxi carefully recalled the scene in her dream, and she suddenly remembered that she had a photo of Lei Zijun before.

She took the photo from her elder brother, and on it was a group photo of her elder brother, Lei Zijun, and Shen Yanran.

Fang Ruoxi suddenly thought of an idea, she found the old photo from the previous photo album, looked at the three people in the photo, and thought about how to make Chen Yiyi leave on her own initiative.

"Chen Yiyi, don't blame me, blame you for stealing my brother Jun."

Fang Ruoxi looked at the photo for a long time, a smile appeared on her face, and she couldn't help mumbling.

It was already daylight, and Fang Ruoxi went out after freshening up and eating breakfast.

Seeing that his sister was in good spirits, Fang Chengyu felt a little less worried. Since his parents were present, he didn't mention what happened last night.

Fang Ruoxi drove to a secluded place and called Lin Yiyang, hoping that he would come to the place she said as soon as possible.

Lin Yiyang was also at a loss when he received the call, he didn't know why Fang Ruoxi was looking for him so early in the morning, but he still rushed to the place Fang Ruoxi said with the fastest speed.

After the two met, Fang Ruoxi gave the photo to Lin Yiyang.

"Miss Fang, what do you mean?"

Lin Yiyang was a little curious holding that photo.

"I hope you can find someone to PS the woman in the photo to look like Chen Yiyi."

"May I ask who the woman in the picture is?"

"You have so many questions, just do what I tell you to do well."

"Miss Fang, although I have taken your money, I am not your servant. If you are not satisfied, I can refund you."

In fact, Lin Yiyang didn't want to do it anymore, and Fang Ruoxi didn't agree to a refund, so he had no choice but to deal with it.

"Well, let me tell you, that woman is Lei Zijun's ex-girlfriend."

(End of this chapter)

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