Sweet marriage

Chapter 180 Fang Ruoxi's Calculation

Chapter 180 Fang Ruoxi's Calculation (4)

"Ruoxi, so you forgive me."

Qin Ming was very happy, he let Fang Ruoxi go, he didn't want her to be disgusted with him again.

Fang Ruoxi was free, and left without saying a word to Qin Ming.

Qin Ming wanted to say something else, but when he saw her hurrying back, he didn't know what was going on with her, so he followed her without thinking.

He had done a lot of stalking before, so naturally Fang Ruoxi would not find out that he had been following her.

From a distance, he saw Fang Ruoxi's car parked in front of a handsome guy.

The handsome guy opened the door and got into the car. Not long after, Fang Ruoxi drove away.

Fang Ruoxi is very satisfied with the photos that Lin Yiyang made for her, and she really can't tell if she doesn't look carefully.

The woman in the photo now is [-]% similar to Chen Yiyi.Looking at this photo, Fang Ruoxi smiled.

Qin Ming followed them all the time, and when they saw that they went to a restaurant for dinner together, they left separately.

He felt very uncomfortable. Fang Ruoxi liked Lei Zijun before, but now she has a boyfriend again.No matter what he said, he was also a handsome guy, and he treated her so well, why couldn't she see his sincerity.

Qin Ming is not in the mood to eat lunch at all now, even if he eats it, he probably won't know the taste of it.

He and Fang Ruoxi went back to the company one after another. When he entered the office, he seemed very happy to see Fang Ruoxi, but he felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Ruoxi, where did you go at noon? You are very happy. Can you tell me about any happy events?"

Qin Ming's face was gloomy and unhappy at this moment.

Fang Ruoxi looked at him, and the smile on his face disappeared.She felt that Qin Ming was not very happy.

"Manager Qin, I probably didn't offend you, why do you feel that your tone of voice is a bit aggressive."

Fang Ruoxi is in a good mood now, and she doesn't want to quarrel with Qin Ming anymore, which will affect her good mood.

After she finished speaking, she looked at the computer and ignored him.

"I'm in a bad mood, that's why I'm like this."

Qin Ming said something thoughtlessly, he really wanted to ask, who is the man with Fang Ruoxi?

"If you are in a bad mood, stay away from me. I don't want to quarrel with you."

Fang Ruoxi's tone became a bit cold, she felt that she had had enough of Qin Ming, and what she hoped most now was that he would stop disturbing her.

"Ruoxi, can't you see my sincerity for you? Can't you comfort me when I'm in a bad mood?"

Qin Ming sat down in front of Fang Ruoxi, staring at her all the time.

"Manager Qin, I don't think I need to comfort you, are you someone from me?"

"Ruoxi, what you said is wrong, no matter what I say, I am also your brother's good friend."

"You are my brother's friend, but not mine, so I still have no reason to comfort you. Besides, what does it matter to me that you are in a bad mood?"

Fang Ruoxi is at odds with him now, if it wasn't for Lei Zijun's face that she wouldn't turn against him, she would never be angry with him here.

"Ruoxi, can you be reasonable? I'm in a bad mood because of you."

Qin Ming became more and more angry. He had sacrificed so much for her, and in the end he still endured her cynicism, which made his heart feel cold.

"Stop, Manager Qin, I ask you not to say such things again, I can't bear it."

Fang Ruoxi felt that she and him were natural enemies, and if she didn't provoke him, he wanted to provoke herself.

(End of this chapter)

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