Sweet marriage

Chapter 185 Fang Ruoxi's Calculation

Chapter 185 Fang Ruoxi's Calculation (9)

"If that's the case, who is that man? He broke up with Ruoxi after having lunch together."

Qin Ming was also a little confused, he realized that he didn't know Fang Ruoxi too well.

"Maybe it's just her friend. I'm sure she still has feelings for Zijun. She begged me to help her last night. I'm also worried about this now, and I don't know what to do."

Fang Chengyu also had a sad face, how could he bear to see his only sister sad.

"So she said that to annoy me on purpose."

Qin Ming's mood is much better now, even if Fang Ruoxi wants to have a boyfriend, that person should be him, he will never allow other men to take advantage of it.

"Chengyu, I also have something to ask you to help me. I love Fang Ruoxi, so you have to stand by my side."

Qin Ming decided to tell Fang Chengyu about this matter. In fact, he didn't need to say anything, Fang Chengyu should know, he needs his support now.

"I have nothing to say about Qin Ming's matter. I have to listen to Ruoxi's opinion. If she has no interest in you, this matter will be useless."

Fang Chengyu persuaded his sister not to force her feelings, but now Qin Ming is getting in the limelight again, it's really getting more and more chaotic.

"Chengyu, I am sincere to Ruoxi. I have the confidence and determination to make Ruoxi fall in love with me in the future, so you must support me."

Qin Ming looked at Fang Chengyu firmly.

He could feel that Qin Ming was speaking the truth, and his eyes were full of sincerity.

"Leaving that aside, the issue we want to discuss is how to make Ruoxi give up on Zijun."

Calling Qin Ming added another problem, and the matter still couldn't be solved. This matter is really difficult.

Lei Zijun looked at the two anxious people, and he was also worried, why is that girl Ruoxi so stubborn.

"I think Zijun will marry Yiyi quickly, so that she will give up completely."

Qin Ming came up with such an idea after thinking for a long time.

The two looked at Lei Zijun at the same time, hoping that he would make a statement.

"To be honest, I really want to marry Yiyi as soon as possible, but she seems a little nervous, worried that the flash marriage will affect our relationship in the future, so I want to let this matter take its course, first make the marriage final, and wait for her to get married. Without the burden in our hearts, we will naturally put it on the agenda."

Lei Zijun patiently explained to the two of them.

Fang Chengyu began to sigh, "If I go back and Ruoxi asks about this, how should I answer her?"

"Just tell her the truth, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. If you can't say it, I'll meet with her and explain it to her face to face."

Lei Zijun is already tired of this matter, and he finds that he is running out of patience.If Fang Ruoxi wasn't Fang Chengyu's younger sister, he wouldn't have so many worries.


Fang Chengyu and Qin Ming answered in tacit understanding at the same time.

"In my opinion, after you go back, you will prevaricate Ruoxi first. This matter can drag on for a day. After Zijun and Yiyi get engaged, she should give up completely."

Qin Ming also expressed his opinion, he couldn't bear to see Ruoxi sad.It's one thing to bicker with her, but he won't do things that make her sad.I really hope that she can get her way sooner and stop being stubborn.

"Okay, let's do this first. None of us are allowed to talk anymore. It's rare to get together and eat quickly."

Lei Zijun didn't want to worry about this anymore, he wanted to go back to accompany Chen Yiyi sooner.

(End of this chapter)

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