Sweet marriage

Chapter 187 Confidence Crisis

Chapter 187 Confidence Crisis (1)

Zhao Muyun understood and guessed that Chen Yiyi's personality must be embarrassing.Since Chen Yiyi said that, she also believed that nothing happened between them, they just simply lived together.

"Yiyi, don't you and I understand? I believe you are innocent. Since you are inconvenient, let's talk on the phone now, and let's make an appointment to get together some other day."

"Mu Yun, I'm so sorry, I trouble you to worry about me."

"No trouble, no trouble, who told us to be good friends, I don't care about you, who cares about you? Yiyi, he lives with you but doesn't touch you, it means he really cares about you, you should ask the matter clearly , don’t jump to conclusions yourself.”

"Mu Yun, I feel much better after talking to you. What you said is very reasonable. I should ask him and see what he says."

"That's right. When you encounter something, you should calm down and don't think blindly. At least give him a chance to explain. I can feel that you love him deeply. Don't do things that you regret."

Zhao Muyun is someone who has experienced it, and she has more experience in relationships than Chen Yiyi.

Women lack calmness when encountering problems, and are prone to impulsive and stupid things.

"I see. I'll ask him when he comes back."

Chen Yiyi realized that she still lacked confidence in her feelings for Lei Zijun, and a crisis would arise whenever there was a disturbance.

A relationship without a foundation of trust cannot last long at all.

"Yiyi, listen to me. If you can't solve anything in the future, you can tell me, and I can help you with ideas. Remember that you are not alone, you still have me."

Zhao Muyun thought that she and Chen Yiyi hadn't seen each other for a long time, and now she wanted to meet her very much, so that they could have a heart-to-heart talk.

She couldn't wait for the meeting on Saturday, she was afraid that Chen Yiyi would not be able to solve this matter, and would be overwhelmed.

"Mu Yun, thank you!"

"Shall we meet tomorrow? You sue my company's address, and I'll find you at noon tomorrow."

The two made an agreement and hung up the phone.

Chen Yiyi felt that she was in a much better mood, she went to the bathroom to wash her face covered with tears.

She went back to her room and sat on the bed in a daze. Thinking about what happened today, she felt a little strange.

There must be a reason for Fang Ruoxi to sue herself. Her purpose may be to turn herself against Lei Zijun, or she may be too sensitive.

She thought that she was strong enough and capable enough to protect her love, but things were not as simple as she thought.Trust alone is not enough, confidence is also important.

Fang Ruoxi has already made himself into a mess by himself, and his ability to bear this is too low.

I don't know how long it took before Lei Zijun came back. After he opened the door and entered the room, he saw that the light in the living room was off, and he came to Chen Yiyi's room.

When I entered the room, I saw her sitting on the bed in a daze, with a bad expression, as if she had been crying.

"Yiyi, what's wrong?"

He didn't go home with her for a day, what happened?

"Zijun, you're back."

Chen Yiyi found that her voice was a little hoarse.

"Have you eaten yet? I specially brought you something to eat."

"I have no appetite."

Lei Zijun sat beside her, obviously feeling that Chen Yiyi's body was trembling slightly.

"Yiyi, what happened?"

Lei Zijun cared about Chen Yiyi very much, and took her hand, feeling that her hand was cold without any warmth.

(End of this chapter)

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