Sweet marriage

Chapter 196 Confidence Crisis

Chapter 196 Confidence Crisis (10)

For Lei Zijun, eating is not as good as being with Chen Yiyi. If he had to choose again, he would still choose to eat... her first.

"Our days are long, and there will be opportunities in the future."

Lei Zijun served the food, and Chen Yiyi helped to bring it to the table.

The two smiled at each other and began to enjoy this delicious breakfast.


When Fang Ruoxi saw Lei Zijun and Chen Yiyi walking into the company hand in hand.She knew that her plan had failed, and she thought that Chen Yiyi was a gold digger who wanted to climb the dragon and become the phoenix, so she didn't care if she was a substitute.

Yesterday, I heard that Lei Zijun was on a business trip suddenly, and Chen Yiyi looked distraught. She thought that there must be a crack in their relationship.

Today, it seems that it is all her wishful thinking. The relationship between Lei Zijun and Chen Yiyi has actually become better. What did I do? I did not achieve my goal, but instead made their relationship closer.

Fang Ruoxi clenched her fists tightly, she didn't even feel the pain from her fingertips piercing her flesh.

That little pain was nothing compared to her heartache.

Her walk was obviously a little unsteady, and she staggered to the office.

Qin Ming saw that Fang Ruoxi's face was covered with frost and there was no warmth at all, and his complexion was extremely gloomy.

"Ruoxi, what's wrong with you?"

Qin Ming naturally didn't know what happened. Seeing her like this, he couldn't help being concerned.

"Manager Qin, do you think I'm pretty?"

Fang Ruoxi was uncharacteristically, although she still had a cold face, her tone of voice was not as sharp as before to Qin Ming.

"You're beautiful! If anyone says you're not beautiful, I'll be in a hurry with him."

Fang Ruoxi laughed at herself.

"Then why do you think no one likes me?"

Fang Ruoxi was about to cry, but she tried her best not to shed a single tear.

"Naturally someone likes you, but you can't see it. If your heart hurts, I can lend you my shoulder to lean on."

Qin Ming stretched out his arms to encircle Fang Ruoxi's precarious body.

This time Fang Ruoxi did not refuse, even though Qin Ming hugged her, her cold heart seemed to feel the warmth from Qin Ming's body.

She longed for that warm feeling so much, but she couldn't grasp it no matter what.Her heart seemed to be resisting the approach of warmth until that trace of warmth gradually moved away.

She feels very tired, the most important thing is that her heart is tired, she really wants to take a rest.

How long has it been since she smiled sincerely, only she knows.Even the smile is so fake, without a trace of truth.

Fang Ruoxi felt that she was a loser in love, she lost so thoroughly on the road of love, there was no room for maneuver.

After an unknown amount of time, Fang Ruoxi pushed Qin Ming away and said sincerely, "Thank you!"

Qin Ming felt a little embarrassed, and scratched his head with his hands.

"It's just a small thing, there is nothing to be thankful for. If you need to keep warm in the future, remember that there is still me, and my arms are always open for you."

Qin Ming watched Fang Ruoxi say what was in his heart. He really hoped that Fang Ruoxi would give him a chance to walk into her heart and accompany her through the days to come.

"This is what you said. If you dare to violate it in the future, I will not agree."

Fang Ruoxi felt much more comfortable in her heart. Her previous life was too depressing, and she lived in pain every day.

All she thinks about is Lei Zijun every day. She is too tired and wants to take a rest.

(End of this chapter)

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