Sweet marriage

Chapter 470 Loving Someone Who Shouldn’t Be Loved

Chapter 470 Loving Someone Who Shouldn’t Be Loved (4)

"I don't want you to be responsible." Chen Yiyi beat his chest with her hand.

She suddenly realized something, stopped the movement of her hands, and the same scene seemed to flash in her mind.She withdrew her hand, stood up and ran into the bedroom, locking the door.

When Lei Zijun saw Chen Yiyi's embarrassment, he also realized something. The interaction between them was like a couple in love.

Looking at the closed door, Lei Zijun smiled. Although his little woman said words of refusal, she probably didn't think so in her heart, she was a completely duplicity woman.

He walked to her door, knocked on the door, "Yiyi, are you okay?"

Chen Yiyi, who was leaning on the door, was shocked, and immediately replied, "I'm fine, I want to rest."

"Then you have a good rest, we will see you tomorrow."

After Lei Zijun finished speaking, he went back to another room. When he saw the messy clothes in the room, he knew that it must be the masterpiece of Chen Yiyi's anger, and he didn't care.

After a good night's sleep, Lei Zijun got up early and prepared breakfast for the two of them. Because Chen Yiyi was pregnant, he prepared a rich meal.

Early in the morning, Chen Yiyi was woken up by Lei Zijun, and she was a little angry to wake up, but seeing the sumptuous breakfast, she didn't bother with him.

After breakfast, Lei Zijun asked Chen Yiyi, "Is there somewhere you want to go? I can take you there. It's not good to stay at home all day, you should go out more to get some fresh air."

"I have an appointment with Zhao Muyun, you really want to see me off."

"No problem, you go get ready, I'll wait for you."

Chen Yiyi changed clothes and went out with Lei Zijun.

There was nothing to say along the way, Chen Yiyi was bored looking at the scenery outside the car window.She thought about what she would say about her memory loss when she met Zhao Muyun. Maybe her past friends would know a lot. Even if she couldn't remember anything, at least she would understand a little bit.

Lei Zijun sent Chen Yiyi to the destination, "Yiyi, do you want me to pick you up at noon?"

"No, you are a busy person, how can you take up your time? Thank you for sending me, goodbye!"

Lei Zijun waved to her and watched her turn and leave. He didn't drive away until he saw her enter the gate of the community.

When he arrived at the company, Lei Zijun called Qin Ming and asked him to come to the office to say that he had something important to discuss.

Qin Ming was very fast, and arrived at the president's office in 3 minutes.

"Zijun, why are you looking for me so urgently?"

Qin Ming observed for a long time, and felt that Lei Zijun was in a good mood. It seems that he and Chen Yiyi should not get along very well.

Chen Yiyi's amnesia, he thought it was just to get angry with Lei Zijun, maybe it was just a faux pas, and it will be fine when her anger subsides in a few days.

"I want you to help me check Lin Yiyang?"

Qin Ming was startled at first, then regained his composure, "Why do you want to investigate him? I think you should trust Chen Yiyi, she has nothing to do with that man."

"At first I thought so too, but yesterday I saw the photos of me and Chen Yiyi when we were playing in her hometown. I can be sure that we didn't take those photos. Yiyi said that Lin Yiyang gave them to her, and said it was to restore her memory Helpful, I think this incident is a bit strange, how Lin Yiyang has those photos is very suspicious." Lei Zijun briefly talked about what happened.

Qin Ming thought something was wrong, I'm afraid that what Fang Ruoxi did can't be kept secret anymore, he really echoed the old saying, if you want others to know, you have to do nothing yourself.

"Didn't Chen Yiyi pretend to have amnesia just to annoy you?" Qin Ming changed the subject.

(End of this chapter)

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