Sweet marriage

Chapter 476 Loving Someone Who Shouldn’t Be Loved

Chapter 476 Loving Someone Who Shouldn’t Be Loved (10)

Shen Yanran stepped forward and pulled Xiaolong to her side and said, "Can we find a place to talk?"

"If there is nothing important, you should take Xiaolong and leave. I have something to chat with you." Lei Zijun coldly refused.

Having Chen Yiyi at home was enough for him, now that Chen Yanran came to make things difficult for him, if Xiaolong wasn't by his side, he probably wouldn't talk to her at all, turned around and left.

"Of course I came to you for something important, otherwise I wouldn't have come to you. I know you hate me, but I have to tell you clearly about this. I don't want my parents to be punished because of me. Hurt." Because Shen Yanran was angry in her heart, she spoke a little coldly.

"What do you mean by that?" Lei Zijun asked back.

"Don't you understand what I mean? I think you should know better than anyone else that I have done a lot of wrong things, but if there is anything you can come at me and don't implicate my parents, okay?" Shen Yanran said Say more excited.

Lei Zijun didn't know what she was talking about, and felt a little impatient.

The company's employees leave work one after another, and they will glance at them from time to time when they pass by.

"Let's talk about it elsewhere." Lei Zijun left first, he didn't want any more rumors in the company, the relationship between him and Chen Yiyi had come to the original point, and it would be difficult to explain if he made any scandals.

Shen Yanran pulled Xiaolong and followed silently.

Several people got into Lei Zijun's car, he opened the car window and said coldly, "Speak clearly."

"Auntie ran to my house yesterday and told my parents everything about me. My dad was very angry when he knew about those things. He fell ill from my anger and is now in the hospital. I know that I have done a lot to apologize to you. but my parents didn't, so if something is coming for me, can you stop looking for my parents?"

Lei Zijun remembered that day when his mother said that he was going to visit Shen Yanran's parents, he thought that his mother was just talking, but he didn't expect that she would actually go.

Xiaolong sat quietly and looked at the two of them.

"Is your father okay now?" Lei Zijun asked politely.

"You don't need to worry about whether he is good or not. I just ask you not to do that kind of thing again in the future."

"Shen Yanran, when you said this, why didn't you reflect on your behavior? If you didn't do something shameful, would you still be afraid of others saying it? You have to know that you caused all this, the culprit You are the culprit, are you here to accuse me now?" Lei Zijun thought of Chen Yiyi's hurt, he began to accuse Shen Yanran.

"Yes, I did something wrong, so I am willing to bear what comes against me in the future." Shen Yanran replied stubbornly, and she also felt very wronged in her heart. She did so many wrong things for him, so He can't get rid of the responsibility, and he can't put all the charges on her alone.

"Don't you have any intention of repenting at all?" Lei Zijun's eyes were cold without a trace of warmth, making Shen Yanran's heart feel a little chilled.

"Why should I repent? I love you without hesitation, and now I can't help myself. You teach me, what should I do? Is it wrong to love someone?"

"It's wrong for you to love someone you shouldn't love. It's wrong for you to hurt others for your own selfish desire. You don't have the right to say love at all. It's a sad thing to be loved by you, so put away your love Get lost wherever you came from." Lei Zijun spoke mercilessly.

(End of this chapter)

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