Sweet marriage

Chapter 480 Confession

Chapter 480 Confession (4)

"You are the president of the company, how can I ask you to cook for me? If people in the company find out, will your image be ruined?" Chen Yiyi moved on to another topic.

"It's two different things. Even if they know it, so what. They shouldn't talk nonsense. After all, this is our private matter, and they have no right to interfere." Lei Zijun was very calm, and suffered a little for Chen Yiyi to recover his memory. It should be, not to mention that he made Chen like this, he should be responsible.

Chen Yiyi smiled. She wanted to make him angry, but it seemed that she couldn't hurt him at all. In this case, she didn't want to make trouble anymore, so let everything go as it pleases.

"Mr. Lei's mind is indeed broad enough. If you had cared more about me before, perhaps so many unpleasant things would not have happened." Chen Yiyi's expression was calm, as if she had seen through a lot.

His current attitude is not bad, and she can't care too much about him.

"Did Zhao Muyun tell you something?"

"She told me a lot, but it's a pity that I don't have any impression of it. I'm afraid it will be a long time before I recover my memory. Have you ever thought that spending time with me like this is a waste of your time, why don't we just say goodbye and go our separate ways? How is it?" Chen Yiyi asked tentatively.

"Don't even think about it, I won't give up." Lei Zijun smiled instead of anger, with the corners of his mouth raised in a beautiful arc, trying his best to seduce Chen Yiyi with his handsome face.

His reaction was far beyond Chen Yiyi's expectations. He thought they might quarrel again, but the result was not satisfactory.

"Put away your smiling face, I don't like it." Chen Yiyi deliberately found fault, his smile seemed to be a kind of irony to her, Lei Zijun seemed to have seen through her motives, everything was under his control, she The little arm can't twist the thigh at all, and he has to admit defeat in a fight with him.

"Do you like to look at me coldly? If you really like it, I can reluctantly fulfill your wish." Lei Zijun is still in the mood to finish laughing with her.

Seeing Chen Yiyi's blushing little face because of her disbelief, he couldn't help laughing again.

Looking back on his past self, before he met Chen Yiyi, his life was nothing but work.Ever since I met Chen Yiyi, his cold heart came alive, and the rare smiles gradually increased. Originally, they could live happily, but it was because of his suspiciousness that tragedy happened, so much so that they were about to get married. After such a thing happened, I don't know if the marriage will be held smoothly.

Now he has completely believed that the person Chen Yiyi loves is him, there is no lover at all, everything is fabricated by Shen Yanran in order to destroy their relationship.

He realized that as long as he has firm beliefs, absolute trust can completely prevent this tragedy from happening.It is easy to make mistakes in the face of love, and impulsiveness is inevitable. He already has absolute belief and will not believe other people's lies anymore.

"Forget it, your coldness will affect my mood, for the sake of the child in my belly, it's better for you to smile more." Chen Yiyi has already seen through that Lei Zijun is determined to live with her , it is not easy for her to drive him away.

"In this case, I'd rather be respectful than obedient." Lei Zijun smiled brightly, he didn't believe that he couldn't beat Chen Yiyi, and wanted to play tricks on him, but Chen Yiyi was still a little tender.

"Whatever you want, as long as you don't make me angry."

(End of this chapter)

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