Sweet marriage

Chapter 482 Confession

Chapter 482 Confession (6)

When Lei Zijun said such words, Chen Yiyi couldn't figure it out for a while, she thought that a person like Lei Zijun would not need her help at all.

"Tell me, I just don't know if I can help you. The ugly words are up front. I won't force myself to do what I can't do." Chen Yiyi hesitated for a moment and answered.

"My mother knows that we have conflicts, so she wants us to go home tomorrow and have dinner together. She hasn't seen you for a few days, so she wants to see you. She doesn't know about your memory loss. I hope you can do your best. Cooperate with me, get my mom over there first, so she won't worry about us." Lei Zijun expressed his thoughts, and at the same time hoped that Chen Yiyi's more contact with his family might help her recover her memory.

Chen Yiyi thought for a while and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't help you. If we appear in front of your mother in this state, I'm afraid we will be out of help soon." Chen Yiyi expressed her worry and let She is acting in front of the old man, she doesn't have much chance of winning.

"Yiyi, don't you even want to help me with this little favor?" Lei Zijun coaxed gently, he didn't believe that Chen Yiyi was hard-hearted, this little favor was nothing to her at all.

"It's not that I don't want to help you, but that I can't help you. I don't know how to lie. If you tell me to lie to your parents, I can't even do it. You and I are in this state. I think you should be allowed to lie." Parents know that concealment and deception can't solve the problem at all." Chen Yiyi said bluntly, she didn't want to be dragged into the water by him, she knew very well what she could do and what she couldn't do, although it was a white lie, she didn't want to deceive at all Anyone, so she just discusses the matter, and she will never help Lei Zijun lie together just because he is nice to her.

Lei Zijun thought for a while, what Chen Yiyi said was also reasonable, he lamented why he just figured it out now, Chen Yiyi is a girl who can't lie, then he went to her to question her that day, she denied it repeatedly, why did he just listen to her? Not going in yet.

"Well, since you don't want to, I won't force it." Thinking of their upcoming wedding, Lei Zijun began to worry, Chen Yiyi's character would definitely not hold the wedding with him as scheduled.

She didn't want him to postpone the marriage, but the child in her belly didn't seem to be able to wait for too long, and maybe it wouldn't be long before her belly gradually grew bigger.

"I suggest that you better tell your parents the truth." Chen Yiyi suggested that this problem will have to be faced sooner or later. If parents find out in the future, it is better to clarify the matter earlier.

"What you said makes sense, and I will make it clear. I have a question to tell you. Our wedding is coming soon. What do you think about the wedding?" Lei Zijun wanted to know what Chen Yiyi thought, although He knew that it was unlikely that she would agree, but he still wanted to try to get her to agree.

"Our current state is like strangers, how can we hold a wedding, so you should cancel it as soon as possible." Chen Yiyi didn't think about this question at all, when he suddenly asked, she just said what was in her heart.

"The invitations have already been sent out. If we cancel now, it will have a bad impact on our Lei family, so I hope the wedding can be held as scheduled." Lei Zijun rejected Chen Yiyi's statement, and he could follow her way. Naturally, she will go along with her, but he must not be ambiguous about such a major event, and he firmly disagrees with canceling it.

(End of this chapter)

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