Sweet marriage

Chapter 485 Confession

Chapter 485 Confession (9)

"Actually, you are not to blame for this matter. Don't blame yourself too much. You should ask me more than that. Just tell me if you have anything to say." Lin Yiyang guessed that she must have something to do with him, and it wasn't as simple as just wanting to chat with him.

Qin Ming has been observing that the two did not speak. From Lin Yiyang's words, he could see that Lin Yiyang should not be the kind of bad person with ulterior motives.

If he had bad intentions, he could threaten Fang Ruoxi with what Fang Ruoxi had done, but he didn't do that at all. Instead, he kept his promise and helped Fang Ruoxi keep the secret.

"Mr. Lin, let me tell you about this matter! The photos you gave Chen Yiyi have already aroused Lei Zijun's suspicion of you. Maybe the transaction between you and Ruoxi can't be hidden for long. Discuss and see if there is a safe way to solve this matter." Qin Ming helped Fang Ruoxi answer this question.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm Lei Zijun's friend. He asked me to help him find out about this matter. You also know that we are friends. I don't want any lies between us."

Lin Yiyang chuckled, "He should be lucky to have a friend like you. I get angry when I mention him, that Chen Yiyi is a deadhead, and the one who loved Lei Zijun in the past was dead set. You just want to poach his corners." Impossible. But he always doubted Chen Yiyi. Did he care too much, or did he not understand Chen Yiyi at all in his heart? Could such a woman betray him? He didn't even think about it before he believed what others said and came to question her I forced Chen Yiyi to admit that she was having an affair with me, don’t you think he’s out of fire?” Lin Yiyang suffered too much from Lei Zijun, and he was worried that he had nowhere to complain, fearing that one day he would suffer from illness Come.

"You have been wronged a lot in this matter, but you are not the person involved, and you don't know how he felt at the time. It is completely understandable for someone to make a mistake without impulse. Those things have passed, and talking about them will not help , what we want to talk about is whether there is a safe solution for Ruoxi and your matter." Qin Ming is not in the mood to care about his misunderstanding by Lei Zijun at all.

"There is an old saying that you have to tie the bell to untie it, so you should know better than me how to do it." Lin Yiyang knew that since he didn't want to hide anything, he had to confess.

"But if you tell Zijun the truth, you may be implicated again." Qin Ming said what he was worried about.

"Don't worry about this. I have a clear conscience. After all, I did something wrong in the past. Since I did it, I must bear the consequences. I am ready, so no matter what the consequences are, I will have the courage to bear them. As long as Miss Fang You can figure it out, don't worry about my feelings." Lin Yiyang said bluntly what was in his heart, he had promised Fang Ruoxi to help her keep the secret, now that she had figured it out, he would not object to her decision.

Fang Ruoxi was very shocked, she never thought that Lin Yiyang would be such a calm person, he was willing to bear the mistakes of the past regardless of the consequences, but she, the client, was hesitating, she felt very ashamed and thankful for the man she found in the first place It's Lin Yiyang, if it's another man, I don't know what the consequences will be.

"Mr. Lin, are you really not afraid that if this matter is exposed, Lei Zijun will beat you up?" Fang Ruoxi wanted to confirm Lin Yiyang's true thoughts again.

"He has already shot at me, it doesn't matter if he does it again." Lin Yiyang felt calm in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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