Sweet marriage

Chapter 491 Rose Offensive

Chapter 491 Rose Offensive (5)

What Shen Yanran was worried about was about to happen again, she was a little nervous.

"Dad, how could I lie to you? If you don't believe me, just call him and ask him out. As long as you are not afraid of making our relationship dirty, you can ask him for proof." Shen Yanran tried her best Naturally, I was afraid that my father would see any flaws.Now she is making herself look like a surprise attack, and she has to be vigilant at all times, maybe her father will see through her at any time, she knows that going on like this is not an option, she doesn't want to make her father angry anymore.

Sometimes she also tried to persuade herself to face the facts and stop thinking about Lei Zijun, but her heart was so stubborn, the more she thought about it, the more she felt a little unwilling.

"Yan Ran, Dad is doing it for your own good. Liu Wei's child looks good. Now you have a child and people don't dislike him. What else do you want? Seeing that you are almost thirty, don't mess around anymore. I can't stand your torment anymore." Father Shen earnestly hoped that his daughter could forget the past and start a new life.

"I know you are doing it for my own good. I will get along well with him. I will call him at night to see if he is free tomorrow." Shen Yanran compromised, not wanting her father to worry about her own affairs.

Father Shen saw that Shen Yanran's words were loose, so he stopped forcing her. He knew very well that some things should not be too impatient, and everything should be taken slowly.

Seeing that there was no major conflict between the two of them, Shen's mother was relieved. Xiaolong was left in Shen Yanran's care, and she went shopping with peace of mind.


The confession between Fang Ruoxi and Lei Zijun touched him a lot. He was the only man Chen Yiyi loved from the beginning to the end, but what did he do? For her suspicion and hurt, he felt very sorry for his actions. regret.

After calming down, he decided to make up for Chen Yiyi and treat her well, so that he would no longer doubt her. At the same time, his heart became firmer and he was full of confidence in their love. Although Chen Yiyi had forgotten a lot, he would let her find her love again. a feeling of.

He ordered a bouquet of red roses at the flower shop, wanting to surprise Chen Yiyi.

When Chen Yiyi received the roses, she wasn't surprised at all. Seeing Jun who signed the name "Love You", she felt goosebumps all over her body. In her opinion, this title was too disgusting.

After looking at the bouquet of flowers, she casually threw it on the tea table, not knowing what was wrong with Lei Zijun, to come out like this.

She is no longer a young girl in love, she likes romance.She is now a mature woman about to be upgraded to a child mother, and there are no surprises about these actions.

She felt that there was something missing between them. After thinking for a long time, she finally realized that there was no love between them. Maybe she loved Lei Zijun deeply before, but now she has no feeling at all.At best, they are people who live together now, but this has nothing to do with feelings at all, and there is no relationship between them at all now.

Chen Yiyi decided that after Lei Zijun came back, she would give Lei Zijun his opinion, and she would not do this again. She would feel at a loss, and would feel a little wasteful if she was not happy. Those flowers seemed a bit ironic to her. The man I love, and I still want to break up with him and never contact him again.

If Lei Zijun knew what she really wanted, he might be driven mad by her again.The former lover has come to this point now, without love, it feels like what he is doing now is just floating clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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