Sweet marriage

Chapter 503 Insecure

Chapter 503 Insecure (7)

In fact, Liu Wei was also very afraid that Father Shen would be stimulated, but this matter had to be said.

"I think Yanran may have been stimulated by certain things and needs psychological counseling. If she doesn't deal with it in time, she may do more extreme things, and then it may cause more serious consequences." Liu Wei said of himself the opinion of.

"You mean that Yanran may have a mental illness and needs to see a psychiatrist." Shen's father also understood. He recalled what his daughter had done recently, and how he and his wife tried to persuade her, but she couldn't listen. It seems to confirm Liu Wei's statement.Her past encounters may be the root of her current mental illness.

"I just think so. I have to take her to the hospital for an examination. Maybe she is just a little stubborn. There is nothing else at all." Liu Wei tried his best to comfort Father Shen.

"If she really has a psychological problem, what should I do?" Father Shen suddenly lost his mind.

"Uncle, don't be too impatient, I will help Yanran, I tell you these are just to prepare you mentally, pay attention to Yanran's words and deeds, and don't provoke her too much." Liu Wei suggested.

"Are you really willing to help Yanran?" Father Shen asked.

"We are classmates in high school. To tell you the truth, I had a crush on Yanran when I was in high school. Maybe it was because we had no fate so we never saw each other again. After so many years, it is also a kind of fate that we can meet again. I help you She should too." Liu Wei simply wanted to help her, emotional matters are very complicated, apart from fate, it also needs tolerance and understanding, even if you can't be a couple, you can still be friends.

"Young man, thank you so much. Yanran is lucky to know you. If you don't dislike her, her mother and I will try our best to persuade her to facilitate your marriage." Father Shen didn't know how to thank Liu Wei, He can help his daughter so unconditionally, where can he find such a good man, if his daughter misses such a man, her happiness will be far away, and she may even do something stupid, thinking about it makes him feel scared.

"Uncle, I want to let this matter take its course. I will use my actions to impress her, instead of putting pressure on her as you said. That may have the opposite effect, so you should think about her, don't force her Do what she doesn't want to do. A forced marriage will never be happy, and it will only harm her." Liu Wei hoped that Father Shen would not do things that forced Shen Yanran, which would only make things worse. She will continue to tell lies, more and more lies, and one day the lies she fabricated will completely collapse, and then she and her family will be hurt.

"Okay, just do as you say, I will try not to put pressure on her, I hope you can help her as much as possible, she hardly has any friends, I really don't know who to turn to to help Yanran, now I can only hope in you on me." Shen's father began to worry about his daughter, he now understands why she must be close to Lei Zijun, it is her and Lei Zijun's love that keeps her going until now, so Lei Zijun is her favorite in her heart Love.

"I will do my best to help her, so don't worry." When he saw Shen Yanran's father, he thought of his own parents. They felt sorry for the parents in the world. They always cared about their children and devoted all their attention to them. body.

(End of this chapter)

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