Sweet marriage

Chapter 505 Insecure

Chapter 505 Insecure (9)

Father Shen calmed down slowly, and his complexion returned to normal. He didn't want his daughter to see the clue.

Shen's mother didn't know it, and she kept praising Liu Wei while eating, hoping that her daughter could get along well with him.

Shen Yanran felt very embarrassed, and agreed with her smiling face. Father Shen observed her daughter carefully and found that she was a little absent-minded. She didn't seem to have any enthusiasm for Liu Wei.

Reminiscent of what Liu Wei told him, Father Shen knew clearly that her daughter brought Liu Wei to the house to deal with them, and she must still be thinking of Lei Zijun in her heart.

Father Shen had something on his mind and couldn't eat at all. Looking at his daughter, he had no idea what to do. He just pinned his hopes on Liu Wei and hoped that he could help his daughter.

After dinner, Shen Yanran sent Liu Wei out, she was really grateful to him, and she felt a little sorry for letting him accompany her to act together.

"Liu Wei, thank you!" Shen Yanran said sincerely.She was grateful that he could help her.

"You've already told me many thanks, I don't want to hear it anymore, we are friends, I should help you." Liu Wei looked at Shen Yanran, saw her preoccupied, and felt more than just for her. It's as simple as sympathy, and it seems a little bit of expectation.

He knew Shen Yanran's true thoughts, even if she was nice to her, she might disappoint his kindness, so he decided not to force her, buried his little love for her in his heart, and got along with her like a friend. put pressure on each other.

Shen Yanran smiled embarrassedly.

"By the way, don't you want to find a job? I've been keeping an eye out for you, and I'll reply to you in two days. Don't be too anxious." Liu Wei changed the subject to avoid embarrassment for everyone.

"En! Thank you! I have something to do in the next few days, and I may reply to you later, but don't worry, I will definitely do the work you introduced to me seriously." Shen Yanran thought of taking Xiaolong to see a doctor, I'm afraid I have to spend a lot of time with Xiaolong in the hospital, so I can only put aside work.

"That's it! Can you tell me something?" Liu Wei asked tentatively.

Shen Yanran was a little embarrassed, she didn't want too many people to know about Xiaolong's illness.

"Forget it! Since you can't say it, don't say it." Liu Wei saw her embarrassed expression and didn't want to force it anymore. He can understand who doesn't have a secret.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's about Xiaolong. Our family can take care of it." Shen Yanran briefly explained.

"It's getting late. I'm going home. You should go home early too. Remember to care more about your parents. Don't be too stubborn about anything. Follow them as much as you can." Liu Wei opened the car door after speaking. got in the car.

"Be careful on the road, goodbye!"

Shen Yanran waved goodbye to him and watched him drive away.

She stood for a while, then turned and went home.

When she went back to the room and saw Xiaolong yawning, she beckoned, and Xiaolong ran to her side.

She took Xiaolong back to the house to put him to sleep.

Father Shen looked at his daughter and said nothing, he could tell that her daughter had something on her mind.

She kept something in her heart and didn't reveal it to them. He and his wife were too careless. They didn't even know the pain in their daughter's heart. They kept persuading her and putting pressure on her to do things she didn't like. matter.

What she did was wrong, but it might not be something she could control. If she had a heart disease, she might really do crazier things.

(End of this chapter)

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