Sweet marriage

Chapter 520 Make Your Wife Satisfied

Chapter 520 Make Your Wife Satisfied (4)

"Why are you looking at me instead of watching the movie? Do you think I look better than the movie?" Lei Zijun noticed Chen Yiyi's gaze and whispered in her ear.

Chen Yiyi was stunned for a moment and a little distracted, she didn't expect to be caught by Lei Zijun easily.

Lei Zijun's warm breath blew on her face, her little face turned red in an instant, she hurriedly turned her head to watch a movie, not daring to provoke Lei Zijun again.

"You haven't changed a bit, you're still so shy." Lei Zijun teased with a smile, Chen Yiyi's performance showed that he already had feelings for him, and he was more confident to win back her heart.

They used to love each other, even if Chen Yiyi forgot about him, but that love was deeply buried in her heart, and one day that love will awaken, and they will live happily ever after.

Chen Yiyi felt her heart beating faster, like a little girl in love, as if love was slowly sprouting in her heart.Although she was watching a movie, she was thinking about other things and didn't watch it at all.If Lei Zijun asked her if the movie was good or not, she might not be able to answer his question.

"It sounds like you know me very well." Chen Yiyi protested in a low voice. She looks old now, and it's all thanks to him. Why scare her when she has nothing to do.

"Of course, I don't know you, who knows you?" Lei Zijun asked back, they were also the closest people before.

"Since you know me well, why are you still suspicious of me? I don't think I'm trustworthy in your eyes. It's better to talk to your ex-girlfriend." Chen Yiyi recalled Lei Zijun's bad attitude when he first met him. , couldn't help but sarcasm, to relieve the depression in my heart.

"Those things are in the past. I'm not a saint and I will inevitably make mistakes. It's completely understandable, isn't it?" Lei Zijun said close to her ear.

Chen Yiyi was not used to him being so close to her, so she pushed him away from her side with her hands, Lei Zijun had already said what he had to say anyway, so he obediently left her side.

"A good sentence is inevitable, do you think you can shirk responsibility by doing this?" Chen Yiyi's stubborn temper came up again, and she seemed to compete with him.

Calm down and think about it, Chen Yiyi felt that she was a bit ridiculous, why did she have to be serious with him, he had apologized many times, if she cared about it, it would seem a bit petty.

"Don't be angry, take a sip of drink to quench the fire." Lei Zijun considerately opened a bottle of rock candy Sydney, and handed it to Chen Yiyi.

Chen Yiyi also took the drink politely and took a big sip.

"Do you think I'm stingy, always turning up old scores with you, if you find me annoying, you don't have to stay by my side." Chen Yiyi asked casually.

It's a good movie to watch, but now it makes her feel so confused that she can't watch it at all.

She realized her mistake. In fact, the situation between them today should be due to two reasons. Although Lei Zijun was at fault, it seems unreasonable for him to bear all the responsibilities alone.

"No, I'm much more serious than you when it comes to stinginess." Lei Zijun was not angry at all because of Chen Yiyi's bad attitude towards him, he found that he had learned tolerance unconsciously.

Chen Yiyi has a bad attitude towards him. He can understand and won't care about it. Whoever told him that he is the chief culprit for causing her amnesia, he should take the responsibility. As a man, he should take some responsibility.

(End of this chapter)

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