Sweet marriage

Chapter 526 Make Your Wife Satisfied

Chapter 526 Make Your Wife Satisfied (10)

Shen Yanran is very clear that Lei Zijun has a lot of opinions on her, but it's just because there is Xiaolong between them, so it's not easy to get angry.

If she wanted to talk to Lei Zijun, she had to lower her posture and admit her mistake, otherwise Lei Zijun would only hate her even more.

"Thank you for your tolerance. If I could do it all over again, I would definitely not do those things that hurt you." Shen Yanran said seriously, as if she had really realized her mistake and decided to reform herself.

"Okay, don't mention the past. Is Xiaolong on good terms with his adoptive parents?" Lei Zijun changed the subject, he didn't want to mention the past.

"They treat Xiaolong very well, but the family is too poor. If Xiaolong hadn't suffered from congenital heart disease, they would have no money to see a doctor for the child. I don't think they would have the heart to return the child to me." Shen Yanran made up a random reason for her to The lie sounds as perfect as possible, without any flaws.

This incident reminded Shen Yanran that she decided to strengthen education for Xiaolong when he recovered from his illness.

"It turns out that's the case. When Xiaolong's illness is cured, you can take me to meet Xiaolong's adoptive parents when you have time. I want to thank them face to face." Lei Zijun expressed his thoughts, after all, raising a child now Easy, they have raised their children so much, how could they be willing to send them away.

It can be seen that they are very kind to Xiaolong, otherwise Xiaolong would not miss them.

"Okay!" Shen Yanran agreed first, let's think about countermeasures later.

Time passed very slowly, and the two chatted without saying a word, most of the topics were about Xiaolong.

"Zijun, my heart is beating very fast, and I'm really worried." Shen Yanran's face was full of worry and worry.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Lei Zijun felt very reserved when he was with her, and he didn't know how to comfort her.

"I don't think I'm a good mother at all. My child is sick and I don't even have the money to see him. If it wasn't for you, I really don't know what to do?" Shen Yanran looked indifferent, hoping that Lei Zijun could follow suit She talks more.The relationship between them was too unfamiliar, if it remained in this state, she and Lei Zijun would never be together.

"Don't blame yourself too much. Everything will be fine. You can't control what happened. If you think about it, it will be fine in the future." Lei Zijun didn't know how to comfort her. This was the first time they sat down peacefully. Come down and chat.

Xiaolong's operation is still in progress, and waiting is a kind of torment. The two have their own concerns, but one thing is certain, everyone is very worried about Xiaolong.

Three hours had passed, Xiaolong's operation was still going on, Shen Yanran couldn't sit still, she was really scared, afraid of losing Xiaolong just like that.

It is impossible for her to have children in the future. She and Xiaolong are very destined. God sent him to her side. She thought that she would cherish this fate. Looking back on what she did, she even used Xiaolong to get Leizi Jun, only she knows how badass she is.

"Zijun, Xiaolong will be fine, right?" Shen Yanran couldn't control her emotions now, tears kept falling down.

"He will be fine for sure." Lei Zijun was also very anxious in his heart. He hadn't finished the operation for so long, and he was a little uncertain.There were several children undergoing surgery that day, and those few had already completed their operations and were pushed into the intensive care unit, while Xiaolong's surgery was still going on.

(End of this chapter)

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