Sweet marriage

Chapter 528 Trying to Accept His Love

Chapter 528 Trying to Accept His Love (2)

Shen Yanran decided to be gentle in the future, and stop doing those thankless things, that would only make things worse.

If even Lei Zijun was so disgusted that he didn't want to see her anymore, what was the point of her doing those things, it would only push him further away from her.

She returned home in Assistant Li's car and told her parents the good news, so that they wouldn't worry about Xiaolong anymore.


It was almost noon when Lei Zijun left the hospital. Instead of going to the company, he returned home. He really wanted to know what Chen Yiyi was doing.

Chen Yiyi was reading a book bored, when she heard a knock on the door suddenly, she didn't know who would come at this time.

She was a little surprised when she opened the door and saw Lei Zijun.

"Why are you back now?" Chen Yiyi asked.

"I was worried that you wouldn't have a good lunch, so I came back to see you." Lei Zijun walked into the room, took off his coat while talking, and put it on the hanger.

Chen Yiyi accidentally saw a stain on his clothes. She knew that Lei Zijun was a clean person, so she paid special attention to it.She was sharp-eyed and found a long hair, Chen Yiyi can be sure that the hair is not hers, her hair is not that long, let alone appear on Lei Zijun's clothes at this time.

Chen Yiyi picked up the long hair, showed it to Lei Zijun, and at the same time asked what was going on with her eyes.

Chen Yiyi knew that she seemed to be a bit lenient, but when she saw that long hair, she felt very uncomfortable, just like a wife who feels very uncomfortable when she finds out that her husband is cheating.

"Yiyi, don't get me wrong, I don't know how this hair stuck to my body." Lei Zijun had already guessed what was going on, but he didn't know how to explain it to Chen Yiyi, and he couldn't tell her that he was Accidentally stuck together with Shen Yanran, that would only make their relationship worse, he naturally knew that Chen Yiyi also had some feelings for him when he was jealous.

"Actually, you don't need to explain. It's not surprising that this kind of thing happened to you. For a handsome and rich man like you, there must be many women waiting to pounce on you. I can totally understand it." Chen Yiyi said mockingly.

At the same time, she was also a little angry with herself. She didn't understand why she became a little concerned about Lei Zijun. Even if she had a good impression of him, she shouldn't feel this way. She didn't like this feeling very much. It seemed that Lei Zijun was Hers, she doesn't want others to peep.

"Yiyi, things are really not what you think. I don't know how to explain to you. In short, you have to believe that I have absolutely no second thoughts about you. You are the only one in my heart." Lei Zijun said a lot, his heart It was also a bit messy, he knew he couldn't mention Shen Yanran, this would only make Chen Yiyi's misunderstanding even bigger.

"Okay, you don't have to tell me so much. I'm not someone of yours. I'm not interested in your affairs at all." Chen Yiyi said the latter sentence very seriously. It was for Lei Zijun, but in fact she was also telling it for herself.Lei Zijun is a man she shouldn't provoke. Whenever she thinks about the past, the pain in her heart is the best proof. She reminds herself not to fall in love with him again, it will only hurt herself more.

"Yiyi, if you want to know, I can tell you, but I ask you to believe me. You are the mother of my child now, and you are destined to be inseparable from me."

(End of this chapter)

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