Sweet marriage

Chapter 538 Accompany Her Chapter House

Chapter 538 Accompany her home (2)

Chen Yiyi raised her hand and stroked Lei Zijun's cheek boldly, stroking his face gently.

It is undeniable that this face is masculine and handsome, very fascinating, and naturally it also includes Chen Yiyi, especially the way he smiles, I don't know how many people he can fascinate.

Chen Yiyi found that she had suddenly become mature, and understood that the reason why Lei Zijun was jealous and mad was because of her, and the person who tied the bell had to be untied. Since it was her fault, she was responsible for calming down. The scourge.

When Chen Yiyi wanted to withdraw her hand, Lei Zijun suddenly held her hand with one hand, not letting her leave.

"Yiyi, did you remember something?" He was a little agitated. There was a possibility that she had remembered something for her bold provocation.

Chen Yiyi smiled, "Sorry, I didn't think of anything."

"Then why... so boldly... touch my face?" Lei Zijun's words were a little unsmooth, probably because he was a little bit shocked from the surprise at the beginning to the empty joy later.

Chen Yiyi withdrew her hand, "You hugged me just now, so I want to get it back, and I can't let you take advantage of it."

Lei Zijun felt that he heard it wrong, when did Chen Yiyi become so humorous.

"Hi! Don't be in a daze anymore. If you continue like this, I don't think you need to go to the company anymore. You might as well just go to see your parents." Chen Yiyi waved her hand in front of Lei Zijun's eyes. He looks really cute, I really want to take a picture of him with my mobile phone, but I don't know if it will annoy him.

Lei Zijun was a little embarrassed to recover, he fastened his seat belt, started the car and drove towards the company.

"Yiyi, you really didn't think of anything?" Lei Zijun still felt that something was wrong, Chen Yiyi was not a casual woman, how could she take the initiative to touch his face, it was a bit abnormal.

"Is the past really that important to you?" Chen Yiyi looked at his profile and asked back.

"There are so many good memories of us being together in the past."

"In this case, help me get back those happy memories." Chen Yiyi knew that she couldn't persuade him, so let him go, she didn't want to make both of them unhappy because of this matter.

"Yiyi, why do I feel that you have changed?"

"Do you think I'm more mature than before? I'm thinking about our future." Chen Yiyi didn't want to see Lei Zijun doing crazy things for herself again.

Love is beautiful in the first place, but she doesn't want love to be their shackles, and in the end, both of them will suffer.

"You are really different from before. Let's work hard together. Maybe even if we can't get those memories back, they are no longer important to us. It is my original intention that we can be happy together." Chen Yiyi's free and easy way made him Suddenly figured it out, why bother to rectify the past, the most important thing is to live a good life now.

"If you had understood earlier, so many things wouldn't have happened." Chen Yiyi felt a little resentful that iron is weak, and he finally got the hang of it. It seemed that he had listened to her words, and her efforts were not in vain.

"I'm not doing this for you. I wouldn't bother to care about others. If you had treated me better earlier, I wouldn't have focused on helping you recover your memory." Lei Zijun retorted, and it wasn't his fault alone. Man, she was at fault too.

"Shall we not turn over these old accounts?" Chen Yiyi felt that he was too stingy.

"Okay, you have the final say." Lei Zijun replied with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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