Sweet marriage

Chapter 561 Conspiracy

Chapter 561 Conspiracy (5)

Chen Yiyi's nervous heart slowly calmed down, she opened her eyes and waited for Lei Zijun to let her go.

Lei Zijun didn't let her go for a long time, she was puzzled, and looked at Lei Zijun, "What do you mean? Why don't you let me go."

"Sorry, blame me for not making it clear, you want to kiss me here." Lei Zijun pointed to his lips with his finger.

"It doesn't matter what you say, you are a hypocrite, I have already kissed you, let me go." Chen Yiyi was a little annoyed, she beat his chest with her hand, very angry at his rascal behavior.

Lei Zijun grabbed her wrist with his hand, "Calm down, you can't be so quick-tempered for the sake of the child, what will you do if you make a bitter face?" Lei Zijun began to scare Chen Yiyi.

"You have a bitter face, my child must be very cute." Chen Yiyi began to protest, struggling with her hands to get rid of his confinement.

Lei Zijun was afraid of hurting Chen Yiyi, so he didn't exert any force with his hands, so he let her go.

"If you want your child to be cute, you have to lead by example. Smile more and don't get angry. I think the child can feel your state of mind in the stomach. Be optimistic and happy at ordinary times." Lei Zijun persuaded Chen Yiyi, he didn't mean it on purpose What made her angry, he just wanted to cultivate the relationship between the two of them, maybe it is not suitable for a conservative girl like Chen Yiyi, it seems that he still needs to work hard, if he wants her to be happy, he must continue to give, there will always be One day it will touch her.

"It's because you always make me angry when you have nothing to do. You are the worst." Chen Yiyi said angrily, she didn't want to be angry, it was because he always had nothing to do to provoke her, and made her angry without saying anything. Judgment, I'm so frustrated.

"Okay, can't it be that I'm the bad one? I'll let you go today, go to bed early, and remember that you still owe me a kiss." Lei Zijun planned to let her go back to the room. There is no rush.

"Tell you, I don't owe you a kiss." Chen Yiyi was a little unconvinced, and her voice was a little loud.

"That's what I owe you, or I'll pay you back now." Lei Zijun continued to challenge Chen Yiyi without giving up, the more stubborn she was, the more his fighting spirit could be aroused, he didn't believe that he couldn't handle Chen Yiyi.

"Come on, we don't owe anyone, don't bring this up in front of me in the future." Chen Yiyi felt that she was always at a disadvantage when arguing with him, and was always driven mad by Lei Zijun's anger. Knowing that he is no longer his opponent, he is a possessive man, and jealousy makes people want to beat him up.

"There's no such thing as cheap. I'll give it back to you when I took advantage of you, so you remember that I will definitely give you back this kiss in the future. I can't take advantage of you for nothing." Lei Zijun let go of her and gave her a kiss. She is free.

Chen Yiyi was completely dazzled by him. He kept saying that he always felt that she was the one who was at a disadvantage.

"We don't know each other, okay? I won't ask you for it, and you don't have to pay it back." Chen Yiyi opened the door at the same time as she spoke, and left as quickly as possible.

Lei Zijun looked at Chen Yiyi's eager back, thinking that he would not let her escape from his palm, she could only belong to him.

Chen Yiyi went back to her room and closed the door, as if she was afraid that Lei Zijun would break into her room suddenly. She had seen Lei Zijun's evilness, and she couldn't say anything when he took advantage of her , which is a bit frustrating.

(End of this chapter)

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