Sweet marriage

Chapter 567 Daydream

Chapter 567 Daydream (1)

Lei Zijun felt that he had walked many wrong paths before, Chen Yiyi was kind and simple in nature, she was a woman who was easy to soften her heart, if he treated her well from the beginning and took the gentle route, maybe there would be a better relationship between them.

"You still talk about me, you are not the same, you have multiple faces, especially when you said that I had an affair with Mr. Lin, you were really scary at that time, of course I was hostile to you in order to protect myself, this is It's an instinct, and anyone who encounters something like that triggers an inner defense."

"I admit that I was too impulsive at the time. Let's talk about it from another angle. If you were me and you heard about this kind of thing, would you still remain calm?" Lei Zijun didn't want to shirk responsibility, he just wanted to explain that he mentality.

"I think I will be impulsive too, understandable." Chen Yiyi smiled embarrassedly, now that the two of them have spoken, they feel much more relaxed.

"Let him pass when it's over, let's not care about who is right and who is wrong, okay? Living well now is the most important thing, don't you think so?" Lei Zijun said gently, he also feels much more relaxed now , I used to blame Chen Yiyi in my heart, and Chen Yiyi's attitude towards him was not very good, so I felt a lot of pressure.Now that he has made it clear, he immediately feels that Chen Yiyi is a good woman who understands things, but he just figured it out later.

"Okay! For the sake of your sincerity, I have the nerve to argue with you. Remember what you said today, and I am also looking forward to the future." Chen Yiyi looked at his profile, and for a moment Confused, if he was a little gentler to her, her heart would become very soft, as if she was slowly accepting him.

Chen Yiyi touched her forehead unconsciously, she felt that she must have been carried away, how could she easily fall in love with this man who always loves to fight against her.

"I believe that as long as we have confidence in each other, you will fall in love with me in a short time. After all, we used to have true feelings. Even if you forget it completely, the love buried in your heart will come one day sooner or later. It will show." Lei Zijun focused on the road ahead, his mind is full of Chen Yiyi, and he also looks forward to their happy days, no doubt, no suspicion, only trust and love, when the child is born , The three of them lived a happy life.

The two of them opened their hearts along the way, chatting and laughing without being lonely, and they arrived home near noon.

After having lunch together, Lei Zijun returned to the company. He was outside recently, and there were a lot of things he needed to deal with in the company.

He called Qin Ming and asked him to come, Qin Ming received the order to rush to the top floor as quickly as possible.

Entering the CEO's office, Qin Ming walked around Lei Zijun several times, looking left and right, he really felt that he was in good condition, and he had a solid foundation in his heart. Lei Zijun and Chen Yiyi had probably completely reconciled, and his hanging heart It can be regarded as letting go.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Your eyes make me very uncomfortable. Do you want to practice your hands and feet? I'm worried that I have nowhere to vent it?" Lei Zijun frowned, and shot Qin Ming with cold eyes.

"You've had a good time in the country these few days. Seeing how refreshed you are, isn't Chen Yiyi treating you very well now? She shouldn't have made things difficult for you, right?" Qin Ming asked.

(End of this chapter)

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