Sweet marriage

Chapter 580 Obtaining a Certificate

Chapter 580 Obtaining a Certificate (4)

Lei Zijun was relieved knowing that Chen Yiyi was fine, he made a note of the account of being teased, and he wanted to teach Chen Yiyi a little lesson when he got home.

Don't say he is narrow-minded, he was too worried about Chen Yiyi. At the beginning, he really had wild thoughts and was very worried.

"I wanted to know if you had a good meal, so I called you." Lei Zijun's attitude was much better now, he was no longer worried, and felt much more at ease in his heart.

"Don't worry, I won't starve the baby in my stomach." Chen Yiyi said this deliberately, giving the impression that she was eating the baby's jealousy.

"Since you are with Zhao Muyun, I don't worry about it. Remember to tell her not to make such jokes in the future." This problem is very serious, and he must make it clear that Chen Yiyi's safety is very important to him. It's important, so it's better not to make this kind of joke, because it will cause him to misunderstand that Chen Yiyi has met some bad people and worry about her.

"Understood, it's nothing, I'll hang up." Chen Yiyi also felt super embarrassed now, she was clearly present but did not stop Zhao Muyun, if Lei Zijun knew about it, I don't know what he would think of her.

"Remember to eat more, go home early if you have nothing to do, you are a pregnant woman and don't wander around for too long." Lei Zijun instructed.

"There's nothing else to hang up." Chen Yiyi hung up the phone after finishing speaking, Zhao Muyun was still listening, she was too embarrassed to say too much.

Lei Zijun wanted to say something more, but Chen Yiyi hung up the phone in a hurry. He was a little unhappy. He was in a bad mood because of Zhao Muyun, but now Chen Yiyi's attitude towards him was not very sincere. I'm not in a bad mood.

Chen Yiyi took the phone and asked, "Mu Yun, do you think Lei Zijun will be angry?" Chen Yiyi felt that this joke was a bit too much, after all, she was by Zhao Muyun's side, but she still indulged her to do that. It's not right.

Zhao Muyun smiled and nodded.

"Mu Yun, it was you who caused the trouble, and still laughing at me now, I really made a bad friend." Chen Yiyi thought that after Lei Zijun asked about this matter after returning home, it was inappropriate for her to tell the truth or lie, If he gets annoyed, she can't bear his rage, and she feels a little scared after thinking about it.

"Yiyi, look at how nervous you are, don't worry, Lei Zijun won't do anything to you." Zhao Muyun began to enlighten Chen Yiyi.

"You don't know how he looks angry. He is about to lose his mind. It's enough to experience it once. I don't want to experience it again." Chen Yiyi said with a calm face.

"Why is he angry with you? Is it because you confronted him and pissed him off?" Zhao Muyun thought it was normal. How could a man like Lei Zijun have no temper? He would lose his temper with Chen Yiyi. Yiyi violated his bottom line.

Chen Yiyi nodded.

"This is your fault. Be nice to him. No matter how angry he is, he will suppress it. Be gentle with him after you go back. I promise he won't lose his temper with you." Zhao Muyun Pass on experience to Chen Yiyi.

"I see, let's eat!" Chen Yiyi didn't want to think about it anymore, and didn't want bad emotions to affect her mood.

"Okay! The sky is big and the earth is big, and eating is the biggest thing. Let's fill up the stomach first." Zhao Muyun is naturally optimistic.

The two chatted while eating, bypassing this topic. Although it was an accident, Lei Zijun knew that he cared about her and called her, which warmed her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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