Sweet marriage

Chapter 586 Obtaining a Certificate

Chapter 586 Obtaining a Certificate (10)

Chen Yiyi was a little flattered, she never thought that Lei Zijun would treat her so tenderly, it seems that it is better to tell the truth about anything, and exchange your heart for your heart.

"Don't blame me for today's incident." Chen Yiyi asked in a low voice, she felt that she was a bit of a villain, and she was worried that Lei Zijun's narrow-mindedness would care about her.

"It's just this one time, it's not an example." Lei Zijun said briefly, even if he was angry, the moment he saw Chen Yiyi, it had disappeared. Besides, she couldn't blame her for this matter, her playful Friends also have a lot of responsibility, but since she is sincerely treating Chen Yiyi well, he doesn't care too much about it.

"You are so kind, there will be no next time." Chen Yiyi was a little carried away with joy, and even forgot the embarrassment just now, put her arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek.

Chen Yiyi was stunned for a moment, startled by her own behavior, hurriedly let go of her hands, and sat on the side in a well-behaved manner, she didn't dare to look at Lei Zijun again, she didn't understand what was wrong with her, she even took the initiative to kiss her Lei Zijun.

"Hahaha..." Lei Zijun suddenly laughed happily, seeing Chen Yiyi's embarrassed appearance, he said with a smile, "Yiyi, you are really cute now, I like it!"

Chen Yiyi covered her face with her hands, turned her head to the side, "Don't laugh at me, okay?"

"I'm not laughing at you. I'm so happy. This is the first time you've kissed me since these days. To commemorate this happy day, I decided to prepare a big meal for you." Lei Zijun walked to Chen Yiyi's room. Standing in front of him, holding both hands, let Chen Yiyi look into his eyes, the hearts of the two are slowly approaching, his sincerity will one day completely conquer Chen Yiyi's heart.Maybe this day is not far away, he is looking forward to it.

Chen Yiyi forgot the embarrassment just now, looked at Lei Zijun and smiled happily, "Do you need my help?"

"No, you can just wait and eat."

"You say that, making me think I'm a rice bug who only knows how to eat." Chen Yiyi said with self-deprecation.

"Who said you are a rice bug? I don't want you to help because I don't want you to be too tired. You should enjoy the blessings now. You will be tired when the child is born. I'm afraid I won't be able to help you at that time." , so now I can do as much as I can, don't think too much, and don't have a psychological burden." Lei Zijun explained to Chen Yiyi that he didn't mean to look down on her, but just wanted her to take good care of her body. It's time to give birth to a white, fat and healthy baby.

Chen Yiyi stroked her forehead embarrassingly, "I suddenly feel that marrying you is not bad."

Lei Zijun smiled, "Not only is it not bad, you just won the first prize. How many people envy you?" Lei Zijun joked.

"You're just smug, you're the one who depends on me, okay? Don't make yourself so hot as you say." Chen Yiyi joked.

"I'm telling the truth. You should cherish it. I'm off to work, so you can wait for the big meal with peace of mind." Lei Zijun was in a good mood, and he didn't care about the matter at noon.

"You really don't need my help." Chen Yiyi confirmed once again that she would feel embarrassed to let her eat for free, but she still wanted to do something, even if it was to beat her up.

"Just rest at ease, it's not good for a pregnant woman to smell too much cooking fumes." Lei Zijun rejected her offer, and he could easily handle the food for the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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