Sweet marriage

Chapter 591 Can't Extricate Itself

Chapter 591 Can't Extricate Itself (5)

"Dad, I know that you are doing it for my own good. I will seriously consider what you say." What else can Shen Yanran say now, she can only perfunctory her father, she doesn't want to think about feelings now, she wants to be clean Son.

"Yan Ran, your father is right. I think Liu Wei is also a good guy. You and him are high school classmates. We have not seen each other for so many years. This is fate. You must cherish it." Shen's mother said on the side Talk to the daughter to persuade her, if the daughter can become a couple with Liu Wei, the family will be happy, and they will be relieved.

"Mom, I've been keeping something from you all this time, and it seems I can't keep it from now, so I decided to tell you." Shen Yanran paused for a moment and continued, "I can no longer have children, so I'm afraid that Liu Wei will find out if he finds out. I despise me, but I think it's a big deal, I can't hide it from him, if he doesn't want to accept me, I have nothing to say." Now Shen Yanran can only use her infertility as an excuse, hoping that her parents can think about it. Tong, Liu Wei is a good man, but he would definitely not accept a barren woman, and she didn't want to involve him either.

"What did you say, how did this happen? When did this happen?" Shen's mother suddenly felt that the sky was falling, what kind of crime did her daughter do to get such retribution.

If she really can't have another child, it will definitely affect her marriage.

"It's caused by the bleeding after childbirth." Shen Yanran said briefly, Xiaolong was also by her side, she couldn't say too much, she thought her parents should be able to understand.

"Does Liu Wei know about this?" Mother Shen asked, she was very worried about her daughter's future fate.

"He doesn't know yet, but I want to tell him the truth. He has helped me a lot, and I don't want to deceive his feelings." Shen Yanran thinks this is a good reason to reject Liu Wei, and it can stop her parents Mouth, I won't force her to go on a blind date again.

Shen Yanran originally didn't want to say such things at the dinner table, but when she saw her parents' expressions turned sour, she felt a little guilty.

"Yan Ran, maybe Liu Wei's child doesn't care about these things, don't you have Xiaolong, maybe he will treat Xiaolong as his own child." Shen's mother randomly made excuses, hoping that her daughter would not give up, maybe there is still hope.

"Mom, do you think it's possible? Liu Wei is a filial man. Even if he doesn't mind that I can't have children, will his parents agree? It's impossible to think about it. I don't want to make him an unfilial son." What's bothering, Shen Yanran can't eat at all now.

"It's God's will! This is self-inflicted! After experiencing so much suffering, do you realize your mistakes now? This is harming others and eventually harming yourself. You should wake up." Although Father Shen was very sad when he heard the news , I kind of hate that iron is not steel, they are just such a daughter, who has been a baby since she was a child, but this baby girl has made so many mistakes, it's fine if she doesn't know how to repent, and she makes mistakes again and again.

If she doesn't realize her mistake and continues to go her own way, she will be the one who will be punished in the end. Father Shen is more and more worried about Shen Yanran, and hopes in his heart that she will stop doing anything stupid.

"Dad, I understand all the truths you said, but I just can't control my heart, and I want to accept Liu Wei, but I'm afraid he will care about my past, which is a stain in my life, and I don't want to bring it up again. "

(End of this chapter)

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