Sweet marriage

Chapter 601 Uncontrollable Desire

Chapter 601 Uncontrollable Desire (5)

Chen Yiyi became a little impatient, and Xiaojiali's personality came up again. She is just a little wild cat now, it's best not to provoke her.

"Couple on paper, thank you for thinking it out, you have my child in your belly, we already have a husband and wife, it's impossible for you to admit it." Lei Zijun knew that Chen Yiyi was hard-spoken and soft-hearted, he He just wanted to tease her and enhance their relationship, not to make her angry.

"Let go of me first, okay? I haven't considered what you want, so I'm very sorry, please bear with me." Chen Yiyi said in a low voice, as if a little embarrassed.

"Hahaha..." Lei Zijun couldn't help laughing out loud, Chen Yiyi completely misunderstood what he meant, he was still very measured, before Chen Yiyi completely accepted him, he would not touch her.

"What are you laughing at?" Chen Yiyi pouted, her face was as red as an apple, and she looked so funny.

Lei Zijun couldn't hold back and touched her small face with his hand.

Chen Yiyi reflexively wanted to block it with her hands, but she was a step too late, and Lei Zijun had already succeeded.

"Yiyi, your thoughts are too impure, but don't be embarrassed, it's just the two of us here, I won't mention it to others." Lei Zijun said with a smile, seeing Chen Yiyi staring at him, he seemed to be suppressing With anger, her cute look is really cute.

"You big bad wolf, if I treat you a little better, you don't know the southeast, the north, the south, the north, the south, and the north, and you say that my thoughts are not pure. It is clear that you have misbehaved with me." Chen Yiyi said angrily, and this Lei Zijun spoke more and more. More and more unguarded people took advantage of her and even accused her.

"My little wild cat is back again. You have to be reasonable. When did I misbehave with you? But if you like it, we can be more intimate. That's how we look like a couple, don't you think?" Ray Zijun found that he was tired of being with Chen Yiyi, but he didn't feel bored at all. Maybe being with her felt like home, and he had already liked this feeling.

"You misbehaved with me just now, why didn't you admit it after a while, and don't call me a little wild cat in the future, otherwise I will be angry." Chen Yiyi has nothing to do with him, this man is really Lai Pi is also difficult to deal with, she can't get off him if she sticks to him.She really didn't expect that such a cold CEO would have such an unknown side.

"It's not that I don't admit it. I really don't know what misdeeds I did to make you angry. You might as well point it out so that I can understand, so I can correct it later and don't make my wife angry." Lei Zijun felt that he lacked a sense of humor Cell, it's not easy to make Chen Yiyi laugh, and it always annoys her, maybe Chen Yiyi's thinking is too conservative.

"You..." Chen Yiyi really didn't know how to refute, she was obviously taken advantage of by him, but she was embarrassed to say it because of her thin skin.

"If you have something to say, don't be embarrassed." Lei Zijun felt Chen Yiyi in his arms start to twist, and he tightened his arms to hug her even tighter.

"Let go of me first!" Chen Yiyi's tone was a little impatient, as if she was running out of patience.

"We are now a legal couple. This kind of intimacy will often happen, so you have to learn to adapt. Don't be embarrassed. This is a normal thing. Don't be so reluctant, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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