Sweet marriage

Chapter 625 War of Two Women

Chapter 625 The War of Two Women (10)

Shen Yanran lay on the bed, unable to fall asleep for a long time.She opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling, throwing away all thoughts and thinking about nothing in her mind.

After a long time, she slowly fell asleep.

The next day, Lei Zijun sent someone to pick up Xiaolong early.Shen Yanran explained the medicine that Xiaolong was going to take, and after saying goodbye to Xiaolong, she watched Xiaolong being taken away.

Ever since Xiaolong was taken away, Shen Yanran was in a daze with a preoccupied look.

I don't know how long it took for her to finally come to her senses. She felt that she couldn't go on like this anymore. She decided it was time for a showdown with Chen Yiyi. Her current pain was caused by her. She wanted Chen Yiyi to be with her. just as painful.

Find out Chen Yiyi's phone number, which she asked Liu Wei to check for her before, and now it finally comes in handy.

She made a phone call to Chen Yiyi and asked her to meet.

Chen Yiyi was surprised when she received the call. Her friends reminded her more than once that Shen Yanran is a scheming woman. She must have something to do with Lei Zijun when she finds herself.

The soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth, she decided to meet this Shen Yanran and see what she was going to do.


Shen Yanran edited a photo of her with Lei Zijun and Xiaolong and put it in her bag. She was going to see Chen Yiyi, she didn't care about right or wrong, she just wanted Chen Yiyi to disappear automatically in Lei Zijun's eyes. Zijun's side.

When she arrived at the agreed place, she saw Chen Yiyi sitting in the corner, so she walked straight over.

Because Chen Yiyi had forgotten the past, she had no memory of her at all, so she came to this place early to wait for Shen Yanran.

Seeing the tall woman walking towards him, Chen Yiyi guessed that she was Shen Yanran.Thinking that Lei Zijun's eyesight is not bad, and his ex-girlfriend is also a beautiful woman, he instinctively told her that it must be no good for this woman to seek her, and he really wanted to know what kind of conspiracy she had to seek him out.

Shen Yanran sat generously opposite Chen Yiyi, because her eyes were still a little red and swollen, she wore a pair of large sunglasses that almost covered most of her face, but it didn't affect her beauty.

Her hot figure has attracted everyone's attention, making people want to find out the face under the glasses.

"I'm really sorry to keep you waiting for so long." Shen Yanran made her voice soft.

"Miss Shen, what can I do for you?" Chen Yiyi asked directly, they were not familiar with each other, and they didn't have the American time to chat with her, so it's better to get straight to the point.

"I came here today to ask Ms. Chen to take the initiative to leave Zijun. If you hadn't intervened, Zijun, myself and our son Xiaolong would have lived a very happy life." Shen Yanran distorted the facts and said that Chen Yiyi was third party.

Chen Yiyi carefully analyzed her words. She had already prepared her heart for this visit. He knew that it was what this woman said to Lei Zijun that made Lei Zijun lose his composure and caused her amnesia. Such a person with ulterior motives woman, her words are not very reliable.

"I don't understand this, but I will ask Zijun for verification. I think he will give me a satisfactory answer." Chen Yiyi didn't want to tell Shen Yanran about her memory loss. They can be regarded as rivals in love now. This woman's war has just been staged, and she is willing to accompany her. The cause of her amnesia is the woman in front of her. Although she can't see her expression clearly, she knows that it is not good.

(End of this chapter)

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