Sweet marriage

Chapter 633 Confrontation

Chapter 633 Confrontation (8)

Liu Wei knew that Shen Yanran didn't want to burden her family, and she probably didn't have much money now.

"Yan Ran, if you are short of money, I can lend it to you. In any case, it is safer to leave the hospital after being cured." Liu Wei still tried his best to persuade her.

"It's really not necessary. I haven't paid back the money I owed you last time. How dare I borrow it from you. It's the same when I go home for treatment." Shen Yanran felt very ashamed. She hadn't paid back the money last time. How could she be ashamed? Borrow him money again.

"Why are you so stubborn? I heard from my uncle that you became ill very suddenly. Did something happen?" Liu Wei asked tentatively. He knew that Shen Yanran had a serious heart disease. Her sudden illness might have something to do with it. Lei Zijun is related.

Mentioning this matter might be due to the absence of her parents, Shen Yanran's heart broke down a bit, and she couldn't help crying.

"Yan Ran, don't cry yet, tell me if you have anything to do, maybe I can help you." Liu Wei didn't know how to coax her, seeing her crying, felt a little distressed, and wanted to help her solve her problems.

"That man is back, I really don't know what to do, he is a devil, why is he always haunting me." Shen Yanran cried and said, she really wanted to find someone to talk to, otherwise she would really will be overwhelmed by inner fear.

Liu Wei was at a loss as to who the man she was talking about was. Seeing her trembling, he could imagine that Shen Yanran must be very afraid of that man.

Liu Wei stepped forward and hugged Shen Yanran, stroking her back with his hands to calm her emotions, "Yanran, don't get excited, if you have something to say slowly, I will definitely help you."

"Will you really help me?" Shen Yanran seemed to have grasped at straws, and looked at Liu Wei with her tear-stained face. She didn't want to mention that matter again, but now she has been cornered. If That man found her, and she really couldn't handle it.

"Well! I will definitely help you." How could Liu Wei refuse.

Shen Yanran was going to tell Liu Wei about the past, she was in a hurry to go to the doctor.

Shen Yanran stopped crying, and hesitated for a long time before speaking, "When I was dating Lei Zijun, I met a man named Xue Feng. When I first met him, I thought he was warm and funny and would please women. There was a During that time, Lei Zijun was busy with work and gradually alienated me. He had very little time for me, let alone caring for me. I was in a low mood, but Xue Feng seemed to see through my thoughts, and he launched a fierce pursuit of me. He was caring and considerate to me, my heart slowly tilted towards him, and I believed his sweet words, I don't know why I was so stupid at that time, I believed that hateful man, thinking that he was sincere to me." Shen Yanran After a long pause, he continued, "I seemed to be tempted by him. He asked me to do bad things, but I actually agreed. I embezzled all the money from Lei Zijun's company and fled abroad with him. I thought I could live a happy life. On a good day, how did I know that his bad nature was exposed, he seemed to be a different person, and he no longer had the tenderness he used to have for me. Only then did I understand that he approached me for a purpose, just to use me to get Lei's money I think I am very sad, I blindly believed in such a hateful man, and even hurt the man who loves me." Shen Yanran's tears couldn't help falling down, and Liu Wei's clothes were wet.

(End of this chapter)

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