Sweet marriage

Chapter 636 Kidnapping

Chapter 636 Kidnapping (1)

"Liu Wei, do you think girls nowadays are very snobbish?" Shen Yanran actually forgot her previous fear and discussed with him about relationship matters.

"Indeed, but everyone has the right to choose the life they want, whether it is snobbish or frivolous, at least she has worked hard to live the life she wants, whether right or wrong is her own choice." Liu Wei has seen it clearly now.

"The words you said are very classic, with a little more tolerance and understanding. I think that girl named Yue will definitely regret her original choice if she sees you again." Shen Yanran said in a low voice, her heart was at war. Her desire was also temporarily stranded because of meeting Xue Feng, and now she has no extra energy to think about those.

"Can regret be eaten? Look forward, don't always hold on to the past, since it has become the past, then let the past fade away with the passage of time, people can't always stand still for the past , People have already gone far and left you far behind, and you are still standing still, what's the use of regretting. If you can go back on everything, isn't it that many things have gone wrong. "

"It would be great if I could have your mind, but unfortunately, women are naturally stingy, and many things are not so easy to think about." Shen Yanran knew the crux of her problem, and she had tried to change it before, but with little success. I hate myself a little bit.

"Yanran, as long as you have love in your heart, and be more tolerant and understanding, you will gradually figure it out. Don't be in a hurry. Everything has to go through a process. Think more about your parents, think about it. Your children, think about what they need." Liu Wei persuaded patiently, hoping she could listen.

"Thank you for explaining these principles to me. I think you are the only one who is willing to help me." Shen Yanran felt a little inferior, and her life was indeed a bit sad.

"Yanran, your parents want you to be cured in the hospital before you leave the hospital. Do you still insist on your previous decision? If you listen to your parents, I can help you solve the money problem." Liu Wei still thought Do your best to persuade her.

"Liu Wei, I want to go home to recuperate." She feels that nowhere is safe now, only at home can she feel safe, Shen Yanran's attitude is very firm.

"Uncle originally asked me to persuade you. Since you want to go home wholeheartedly, I won't persuade you anymore. I'll take you home after your infusion." Liu Wei knew the reason for Shen Yanran's sudden illness, and knew She may have been frightened, which caused her to suddenly fall ill.

Looking at her haggard face, Liu Wei really couldn't imagine that she had suffered so much because of her wrong choice.

The two chatted for a while, Liu Wei tried his best to enlighten Shen Yanran, telling her not to think too much, the difficulties will pass, as long as she has confidence, life will get better.

When the two elders came back, they saw that their daughter seemed to be in much better spirits than before. Knowing that her daughter was determined to be discharged from the hospital, they had no choice but to go through the discharge procedures for her daughter.

Liu Wei sent the family home, and when they arrived at Shen's house, Father Shen insisted on inviting him to sit at home, but he didn't refuse, because Shen Yanran was hospitalized and suddenly left her mobile phone at home, and he must do what he promised her.

After finishing the matter, Liu Wei bid farewell to the elder and left the Shen family.

Maybe it was because she felt that she had some support, Shen Yanran temporarily forgot her fears and recuperated at home.

(End of this chapter)

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