Sweet marriage

Chapter 641 Kidnapping

Chapter 641 Kidnapping (6)

Shen Yanran coughed violently a few times, and breathed in the fresh air with big gulps. Xue Feng was so close to her that made her feel sick, and she didn't know where the strength came from, so she pushed him away violently.

Xue Feng was unprepared, and he was not angry after being pushed away by Shen Yanran, because Shen Yanran is now the meat on his chopping board, and there is no way he can escape.

"What exactly do you want?" Shen Yanran asked with a trembling voice, she was already terrified of fear, at most she was holding on, she couldn't hold on for long, maybe she would collapse soon.

"I'm looking for you, of course to catch up on the past, don't be so afraid, I won't eat you up." Xue Feng slowly approached Shen Yanran, clamped her chin with his hands, and made her look at him and see her With that terrified look in his eyes, he seemed to have a pleasure of revenge, and now he hated women very much.

"Let go of me, or I'll call the police." Shen Yanran said tremblingly.

"Give me the money, and I'll let you go." Xue Feng said ruthlessly.

"I don't have any money, please let me go!" Maybe it was the desire to survive that supported Shen Yanran, she began to plead, she didn't owe him anything at all, why this rascal always grabbed her and wouldn't let her go.

"I heard that you have a son. When did you have such a big son? I don't know." Xue Feng already knew something about Shen Yanran. He came prepared and the purpose was to get some money from Shen Yanran , she does not have Lei Zijun.

"What do you want? I don't have any money. Don't pester me anymore."

"You don't, Lei Zijun does. If I tell him the real identity of that child, guess what he will do." Xue Feng threatened that this woman has too many weaknesses, and it is easy to control her.

Perhaps it was related to Xiaolong, Shen Yanran didn't know where the courage came from, she suddenly pushed Xue Feng aside, pointed at him and said, "Tell him whatever you want, I am not afraid of anything now, if you dare to hurt Xiaolong I will I'll fight you to the death." Shen Yanran went all out, she was miserable enough, she didn't want Xiaolong to be hurt.

"It seems that this child is very important to you. If I arrest him, do you think Lei Zijun will spend money to redeem him?" Xue Feng stood firm and looked at Shen Yanran. She is not afraid of Shen Yanran running away.

"It's against the law for you to do that, you can't be so cruel to a child." Shen Yanran roared loudly, if Xiaolong fell into his hands, he would feel scared just thinking about it.

"I've fallen into this state now, what else is there to be afraid of, at worst, we will perish together, and with a beauty like you by my side, I won't be lonely anymore." Xue Feng stepped forward to touch Shen Yanran's face with his hand, Shen Yanran dodged with difficulty.

"What do you pretend to be noble in front of me? I don't know what you have. What I need is money. As long as I have money, everything is negotiable."

"I told you, I don't have any money." Shen Yanran was a little frustrated, she was really helpless in the face of this rascal.

"It's not that Lei Zijun is rich, so go ask him for it."

"You should give up on this, he won't give it to me, it's hard to even meet him now, how could he give me money." Shen Yanran knew that she was doomed, she simply accepted her fate, and slowly stopped Fear.

"If you don't help me, I have no choice but to arrest your son. I can also get money. It's up to his fate whether your son will come back with his life."

(End of this chapter)

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