Sweet marriage

Chapter 657 Happy Woman

Chapter 657 Happy Woman (2)

Lei Zijun looked at Chen Yiyi, and smiled even brighter, "We are newlyweds now, it's normal to be intimate, you have to learn to adapt slowly." Lei Zijun lightly tapped Chen Yiyi's nose.

"Oh! My stomach hurts a bit." Chen Yiyi frowned while speaking.

"Yiyi, what's wrong with you? Why do you suddenly have a stomachache." Lei Zijun hurriedly let go of Chen Yiyi, with a nervous expression on his face, a little worried about Chen Yiyi.

Seeing that he let go of herself, Chen Yiyi hurriedly took a few steps back to reject him. Seeing his worried expression, she felt a little guilty and regretted that she shouldn't have made such a joke with him.

"I'm fine, it's just a sudden pain just now, it's much better now, don't worry." Chen Yiyi replied in a low voice.

Seeing Chen Yiyi's guilty expression, Lei Zijun knew that she was probably lying to himself, she would easily reveal her lies, but she still came up with such a stupid way, but she did deceive herself, knowing that she was fine He also felt relieved.

"Yiyi, don't do this again. Do you know how worried I am about you? You don't want to be like that kid in Wolf is Coming." Lei Zijun began to educate Chen Yiyi with a serious expression. He hoped that his lover would be honest. A woman, not a woman who likes to lie like Shen Yanran.

Love cannot be deceived at all, and the relationship that is deceived cannot last long at all.

"Zijun, who told you not to let go of me? I'm really uncomfortable when you hug me so tightly. That's why I lied to you. You are also responsible for this matter." Chen Yiyi began to protest to Lei Zijun. Things, he, a big man, shouldn't be serious with her.

"Okay, I won't bother with you this time. If there is a next time, I will punish you." Lei Zijun said half-jokingly, just to scare her. How could he be willing to punish Chen Yiyi? Well, it's too late to love her.

"I knew you were the best for me, and you wouldn't be willing to punish me." Chen Yiyi took his arm and shook it lightly. On the day when they were happy, she would not have conflicts with him. It's a good sign, her goal is to live with Lei Zijun sweetly, have a beautiful baby, and have a happy family together.

"Seeing that your attitude is okay, this page has just been turned, come and see our room with me."

Lei Zijun pulled Chen Yiyi to the door of the bedroom, stopped and said to Chen Yiyi, "Close your eyes first, and I will let you open them."

Chen Yiyi looked at Lei Zijun with some doubts, "What's so mysterious, can I not close my eyes?"

"Be good, be obedient!" Lei Zijun's gentle voice came into Chen Yiyi's ears, bewildering Chen Yiyi like magic.

She obediently closed her eyes, and was led into the room by Lei Zijun.

"Okay, open your eyes!"

Chen Yiyi slowly opened her eyes, and saw that the big bed was covered with rose petals, and their wedding photos were hung on the wall. They snuggled together sweetly, and envied many people.

"Do you like it?" Lei Zijun doesn't understand romance, but he knows how to learn it. Don't girls like surprises? He also wants to surprise Chen Yiyi.

"I like it!" Chen Yiyi threw herself on the big bed regardless of her image, smelling the faint fragrance of rose petals.

What Chen Yiyi cared about was not the form, but Lei Zijun's affection for her. What she saw was not just rose petals, but Lei Zijun's deep love for her.

(End of this chapter)

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