Sweet marriage

Chapter 660 Happy Woman

Chapter 660 Happy Woman (5)

"When did this happen?" Chen Yiyi asked.

"It's been a while, she hurt you so much, and now you're getting retribution, you should be happy." Chen Yiyi's expression made Zhao Muyun a little puzzled, she didn't seem happy at all when she heard the news.

"Do you think I should gloat? In fact, she is also a poor woman." Chen Yiyi sighed. Although she didn't want to pursue anything, the law is merciless. Since she violated the law, it is reasonable to be punished by the law. Knowing why today, the saying that impulsiveness is the devil is true, but she was overwhelmed by the desire in her heart and did something illegal.

"You are soft-hearted. A poor person must have something to hate. I feel sorry for you. You, a victim, still sympathize with the woman who hurt you. Are you out of your mind?" Zhao Muyun began to educate Chen Yiyi, Even soft-heartedness should have a limit. What if something happened to her when she was kidnapped last time? Fortunately, God bless her safe and sound.

"Actually, she still has a bit of conscience, it's just that she woke up relatively late." Chen Yiyi really sympathized with her in her heart.

"Yiyi, it's not good for you to be like this. To be soft-hearted to your rival is to be cruel to yourself. Why don't you think about how she harmed you in the past? I have never seen her soft-hearted when she treats you like that. Don't forget that your engagement banquet is just being raped." She was messed up." Zhao Muyun felt that Chen Yiyi was too careless, and it was a bit inappropriate to sympathize with a woman who was unscrupulous to her.

Chen Yiyi knew that Zhao Muyun didn't know about Shen Yanran's past experience, if she knew, maybe she wouldn't say that, and she didn't want to explain too much, since the matter is over, there's no point in fussing about it too much, have a good time Life now is the most important thing.

"Mu Yun, the matter is over, so I don't want to mention it anymore. Have you forgotten that there are some things that I don't remember anymore? I feel very relaxed without memory. I don't want to worry about her anymore." Chen Yiyi knew that nothing happened, not because she didn't mind, but because she didn't want to think about those unpleasant things.

"You're right. She sent herself to prison now, so she's been punished. I hope she will reflect on herself in prison." Seeing that Chen Yiyi didn't want to mention this matter anymore, Zhao Muyun couldn't say anything more. , the parties have forgotten those unpleasant things, so she doesn't need to mention them again.

The two began to chat about some happy things, not wanting those unhappy things to affect each other's mood.


When Lei Zijun came home from get off work, Chen Yiyi had already prepared dinner.

The two ate dinner and sat in the living room watching TV.

"Yiyi, you are pregnant now, I don't want you to work so hard, I want to ask an aunt tomorrow, you don't have to be too tired." Lei Zijun peeled a piece of orange and put it to Chen Yiyi's mouth.

Chen Yiyi opened her mouth and ate it.

"You can decide this kind of thing. There is no need to discuss it with me. It seems that I really have nothing to do in the future." Chen Yiyi laughed at herself. She is going to live the life of a young mistress. What's the matter? There is no need to do it, as long as you can raise your baby with peace of mind.

"If you feel bored, you can tell me, I will spend more time with you, my wife and children are the most important." Lei Zijun seemed to have seen through Chen Yiyi's mind, knowing that she couldn't be idle, but For the sake of her and the baby, he will never make her too tired.

(End of this chapter)

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