Chapter 10

"Welcome everyone to be my juniors, you can play games, and you can't lose your homework."

When Chi Ruan logged into the trumpet and entered Xiao Ran's live broadcast room, he happened to hear what he said in response to black fans.

In fact, the reason why she likes Xiao Ran is also very simple. When she watched him play, she could feel that he really loves the stage.On this stage, he is shining!

Xiao Ran's Diao Chan was still killing, and the barrage seemed to be lively again.

[Chi Ruan, come out, I know you are watching the live broadcast! 】

[Chiruan baby, mom loves you! 】

[Since my Ruanruan likes Ranshen, then I also like Ranshen. 】

[Chi Ruan is coming out to shoot rockets soon! 】

[I, Holmes Li, do the math, and Chi Ruan will definitely use the trumpet to watch the live broadcast!The VIP seats don't even have her number! 】

[Ruanruanbaby probably wants to hit someone now: I just want to watch my idol's live broadcast secretly, why are you picking on my trumpet! 】

Xiao Ran finally ended the game with a wave of Diao Chan's four kills, and opened the next one, waiting for the system to match.I was going to chat with Danmaku during the matching time, but I found that the Danmaku were all in the pool.

He thought about it, and there was no face with this name in his mind. He picked up his other mobile phone, opened the chat interface with Tang Muchen, ignored Tang Muchen's crazy words just now, and asked, "Who is Chi Ruan?"

Tang Muchen was still immersed in the joy of having the rocket, and when he received a WeChat message from his team leader, he quickly clicked on the chat page: "Brother Ran, you don't even know about Chiruan?" Know it perfectly.

"Should I know?"

Chen: "A female anchor of Cloud TV is rumored to be 168 cm tall, with fair skin, beautiful skin and long legs! But she doesn't show her face in the live broadcast, and only plays games. She is a super fan!"

Holding the phone, Xiao Ran looked at Tang Muchen's nonsense, restrained his urge to hit someone, and replied to him with three words: "Get to the point!"

Chen: "The point is, Chi Ruan is a loyal fan of yours. She started practicing Diao Chan after watching your game. The national server Diao Chan and other mage heroes are also good at playing. She is a very good girl. Brother Ran, you little fan My sister is excellent!"

Chi Ruan was so tempted by the barrage that he wanted to dig a hole to get in. The first time he appeared in front of Ranshen was because of such a thing. He covered his face with his hands and dared not look at it.These fake fans, go back and fix them!

Forced and helpless, she got on her tuba, entered Ranshen's live broadcast room, and gave him a rocket.Then posted a barrage: "Of course, happy new year."

After posting, Chi Ruan wished to slap himself twice. He usually slaps the air with all kinds of slander, and he will drop the chain at the critical moment!Angry!

The barrage was all mocking her.

[Aren't you very tough when you usually hate us?Why do you get scared when you see an idol! 】

【Ruanruan baby, don't be cowardly! ! !Mama loves you! 】

[Attention everyone, this woman is about to start transforming, Gunara, the God of Darkness, Ruan Ruan becomes a petite wife! 】

【Little wife is okay hhhhh】

[Speaking of the little wife, why do I think they have a sense of CP! ! ! ! 】

[Sister, you are not alone! ! ! 】

The direction of the barrage discussion is getting more and more crooked. If she doesn't stop her, her image in the idol's mind will really plummet!

"Follow the stars, don't be a CP! I don't deserve it! You fake fans, can you leave me with some image!!"

"It's okay, it's cute."

As soon as he finished speaking, a system announcement appeared in the live broadcast room, "Chi Ruan has been set as a room manager by the anchor, and the anchor's team has grown again~"

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

[It was agreed that there is no need for housing management? 】

【I can also send rockets, I also want Fangguan 555】

[The air seems to be filled with the smell of passion! 】

[233333, God has changed]

The sudden housing management made Chi Ruan completely confused, and other fans were also frantically accusing Xiao Ran of why they were not given housing management.

After Xiao Ran finished a round of team battles, he only said: "I will manage the live broadcast room as you please." He ignored the barrage.

[Large double-standard scene! 】

[I swallowed this dog food with tears in my eyes. 】

[As expected of my family's Ruanruan, who has cp feelings with everyone, the old mother showed a gratified smile. 】

Most of the fans were teasing the two of them. My own natural god finally has a female fan, and my own Ruanruan finally has someone who wants it.But there seemed to be some different voices coming out of the barrage.

[Another person who wants to rub off on the heat of God, don't you have any idea how much you have?What's the heat here. 】

[Go away, you are not welcome in the live broadcast room of God. 】

[Go back and play your Miracle Nuan Nuan, do you understand the glory of the king? 】

Chi Ruan naturally saw these bullet screens, and he didn't silence or reply, he just ignored them, he didn't want to conflict with them in Xiao Ran's live broadcast room, for fear of affecting his live broadcast.

She can bear it, but fans can't.Everyone knows that the anchor regards Xiao Ran as an idol. She appeared in the live broadcast room wearing a large waistcoat because they made a fuss. If someone criticizes her, she must go back!You can piss off the cubs yourself, but others can't!

【Protect our Ruanruan! ! ! ! 】

[I play Nikki-Dress UP Queen Krypton Gold to recharge money to give the female goose nice clothes, and it doesn't bother me King Peak 1900]

[Our Ruanruan doesn't need to be hot, okay? 】

[He didn't say anything, but what kind of presence are you looking for here? 】

[Your health system is two hours a day, do you understand King of Glory? 】

[Our Ruanruan family is also a Beijing University, so I would like to ask, are you from Beijing University or the A University next door to Beijing University?Do you match? 】

Chi Ruan didn't dare to stay in Xiao Ran's live broadcast room anymore, and quit Xiao Ran's live broadcast room after the fan group asked them to go home.

It seems that the first contact with the idol was screwed up.

She was lying on the table, not knowing what she was thinking.

After playing the game, Xiao Ran found that his manager had disappeared, thinking that she had left beforehand without saying hello.After reading the barrage, I realized that it was my fans who lost my popularity.

"You want to send me a rocket, and I'll let you get popular. Who allows you to let my management go? Huh?"

Xiao Ran turned off the background music, and he didn't speak any more, the live broadcast room suddenly became quiet.

I don't know how long it took, a voice came from the microphone: "I don't know if you are better than others, or better at playing games than her, but I hope you can understand that everyone has the right to like others , you can like it, and others can like it too. You can’t use it just because you say you’re an anchor and they like me, that’s not the case.

If she is good enough, people will like her. She can be an anchor, she can have fans, and she can be liked by others because she is good enough herself.Most of you like me because I play games and play professionally, right?

I have such an outstanding fan, you not only failed to learn from him, but also scolded him, this is not the quality my fans should have.

I don't even feel that people are trying to catch my popularity, and I'm even a little proud. I have such excellent fans, why do you want to make decisions for me?

She is the same as you, my fans, there is no difference.

Alright, that's all I have to say, whether you listen or not is up to you, I don't want to hear someone outside attacking anyone in the name of my fan.Whether it is other professional players, people related to me, or other anchors, if I find out, I will definitely pursue it to the end.Downloaded. "

Before the fans had time to say goodbye, they disappeared.

 A day without a kpl game

  miss it!

(End of this chapter)

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